As Evelyn woke, she was met with a clear, blue sky. A light breeze blew through the meadow and over her body as she laid in the grass. She didn't move, glancing around out of her peripheral vision at her surroundings. Nothing but grass and wild flowers scattered around. As she sat up, something slid off her face, onto her chest. Evelyn picked up the small round glass piece and inspected it. It had a chain which was connected to her shirt. Looking through it, and around her surroundings once again, she noticed a blue notebook a few inches away from her, and a few yards away she noticed a rundown looking building. Standing up, the eye piece in her hand, and the notebook in the other, she opened it and read the first page, then flipped through to see it was all blank. [I]What is happening?[/i] She thought. [i]What have I gotten into? Am I still alive?[/i] Following what seemed to be instructions, Evelyn put the monocle down her shirt, keeping it clipped on, of course, and walked towards the dingy looking wooden door, opening it and peering in.