[center][i][h1]עָדָה[/h1]([color=66CC33]Adah[/color] + [color=silver]Darius[/color] + Levi + [color=00aeef]Matt[/color] + [color=f49ac2]Nikki[/color][i], Day 2:[/i] [color=MidnightBlue]Later...[/color])[/i][/center] Adah noted the pair's silence as the drove to pick up Darius. Neither Matt nor Nikki seemed to want to talk much, aside form an off comment every now and then, it was mostly Adah telling them when to turn, stuff like that. She wondered if they were nervous? If they'd only spent so much time outside in the last few days-- the pair could clearly handle themselves, at least [i]physically[/i], but again, they weren't really... [i]speaking.[/i] They were asking questions and giving commands-- and that was mostly Nikki. Were they military? Perhaps. If that was the case she might have to decline their hospitality. The car pulled up to the townhouses, Nikki leaned back and spoke to Adah, unlocking the doors, "[color=f49ac2]Hurry and go get them.[/color]" She glanced over to her bag and gun next in the backseat. She considered leaving them there-- if these two wanted to hurt her she'd already be halfway to death's door by now. Maybe sex? But then they wouldn't want two men. They probably didn't mean her any more harm than Pardo's gang. Still... as she left the car seat, she made sure to grab her gun, and sling her messenger bag back over her shoulder... better safe than sorry. She gave a sweet nod to Nikki as she set foot on the sidewalk, "[color=66CC33]Sure thing boss.[/color]" With the skill of a limping cat, Adah scaled the side of the building, pulling herself up with the experienced ease of a regular mountain climber. Darius' eyes widened as Adah climbed onto the roof, "[color=silver]Ada-- What the hell happened to you?[/color]" Adah brushed past him, kneeling down to Levi, "[color=66CC33]We don't have time Dare bear-- get your things, I found us some other people willing to take us in.[/color]" Adah leaned in closer to Levi, his lips brushed against her ear as she listened for breath, before quickly shooting back to the still stunned Darius, "[color=66CC33]Is he okay?[/color]" Darius shook his head as his shook wore, "[color=silver]O-of course he's okay, Adah, but slow don for a second, what [i]happened[/i] out there?[/color]" "[color=66CC33][i]Not right now[/i], Darius.[/color]" She said in a more serious tone, returning her attention to Levi, trying the whispering method to wake him up again, before giving up and snapping at Darius, "[color=66CC33]Can you carry him down? I don't know how long they're willing to wait.[/color]" Darius sighed and got moving, "[color=silver]Fine.[/color]" With Levi on one shoulder and his bags on the other, he paused to ask, "[color=silver]Just one question before we go-- these people-- you trust them?[/color]" This halted Adah's jump. She contemplated the question in the silence of the night for as long as the situation would allow before responding slowly, "[color=66CC33]They...[/color]" She inhaled, "[color=66CC33]This might have been worse if they hadn't shown up...[/color]" A breeze blew between the two, Adah looked down at the car... wondering what they saw when they looked at her, "[color=66CC33]Still... I don't know yet.[/color]" [center]She jumped down. Darius sighed, following behind her shortly.[/center] Adah landed as nimbly as ever, despite her fresh bruises. She allowed Darius to land as clumsily as ever, and put Levi in the back, sitting squeezed in the middle, as Darius got in next to her she spoke, "[color=66CC33]Welp![/color]" Darius slammed the door shut, nvisibly nervous, "[color=66CC33]These are my friends, guys. Matt, Nikki-- this is Darius--[/color]" She paused, allowing Darius to give an awkward cough and a wave, "[color=66CC33]Rip Van Winkle over here is Levi-- Darius, these are my heroes Matt and Nikki.[/color]" [right][@Wick][@Dark Light][/right]