[center][h1]Light[/h1][/center] Light was a bit confused at what Heather was saying. [color=lightblue]"I said Mr. Cyborg. Are you a guy inside that shell?"[/color] Light said, sticking her tongue out playfully. [color=lightblue]"No, I'm talking about that guy."[/color] Light said, pointing at Soldier X. A newcomer entered the room, introducing themselves as Garbage, which Light though was an... interesting name. More so she couldn't help laughing a bit when they introduced themselves. Sure they were a cloths designer by what they were saying, but they could've came up with a better name. Tanya, someone who Light didn't know every well, offered her a welcoming hand. Archer then approached the group, eager for the paintball match, much like Vivian who tossed Light a flag and declared her team the victors more or less. [color=lightblue]"I'll take whoever wants to join my team. If its too one sided, you all could play 'hunt the monster' with me as the monster too I guess instead."[/color] Light said at Vivan's declaration. [color=lightblue]"I'm not good at paintball. I forget, can I jsut walk through the paint balls and take the hits, or am I out if I get shot?"[/color] Light said, scratching ehr head.