[hider= warning 37060] Girard moved his way quietly through the alleyways of downtown looking for any smaller activity to stop in the area. It was a good warmup before a larger scale assault or intervention and let him clean up the streets before such an event which tended to benefit the big man. The less chance for collateral the better in his opinion, also not having someone capable of alerting the targets from the outside did wonders for his chance at a surprise entrance. He found himself walking past one building in particular that caught his attention not because of the outside but what he could hear from inside. It sounded like there was a pretty decent struggle going on inside between at least two people though it was hard to tell from behind the wall. He moved himself into a decent position for entry since it sounded pretty urgent sizing up a portion of wall which looked collapsible without doing too much damage before getting up a bit of speed and crashing through it hoping to end the fight quickly. She could hear his footfalls, old worn out boots scraping the ground, a metal watch on his left wrist, maybe gold or silver would click against the buttons on his coat. He seemed to be in his mid twenties, the smell of alcohol trying to reach her nose through the damp air. “I’ll get you bitch!” Even his words were slurred, her only response being the grip of her cane growing tighter, whacking the ebony creation into what seemed to have been his knees. [color=ed1c24]“Time of death, estimated at october 12th, 2010”[/color] A blood chilling shriek, all too familiar harmonized behind her, she could feel the wraith at her back. A playful smirk finding its way to her features as she listened to the man collapse, his shuttered breath now closer to the ground as he scurried away, the graceful waves of the wraith following soon after. [color=ed1c24]“Farewe-”[/color] [b]Crash![/b] The wall beside them caved in, rubble falling to the cobblestone alley like rolling snow. Instantly she jumped back, her cane raised, the depthless eyes of a raven skull gaping at the new encounter only for Kaite to give a sound of familiarity. The sound was a bit too close to the idea of a breaking stage. Her guard being lowered she tilted her head in confusion. [color=ed1c24]“Tank is that you, my friend?”[/color] Once the dust cleared it took a moment to process the scene for the big man. It looked like whatever had been happening had been well and truly disrupted hence the man looking stone cold out on the floor. Though the reality set in once Girard realized who else was in the room as he turned his head to Raven Tale figuring out quickly that he just interrupted the woman’s fight in spectacular fashion. In the end this was just one of those awkward moments where he would meet someone else in an impromptu manner, not the first, wouldn’t be the last. [color=39b54a]“Shoot. Didn’t realize there was a friendly in here, sorry about that.”[/color] He said a little concerned he might’ve got her in the impact. [color=ed1c24] “Tis fine, I moved before you charged.”[/color] Standing up she dusted herself off, her wraith floating about the room, studying them both. [color=ed1c24]“Though you have fallen thy pick pocket, I hope he is not wounded.”[/color] Moving across the room she reached for his face to feel for the steady breath that brushed against her fingers. [color=ed1c24]“Seems to be well, aside that he is in sleep, would you mind helping me retrieve him?”[/color] [color=39b54a] “Yeah sure, gimme a sec.”[/color] Girard said as he moved over to the unconscious pickpocket checking the man over making sure he wasn’t seriously hurt and clearing the rubble before slinging him over his shoulder. The criminal wasn’t particularly bad off, maybe a few nasty bruises would stay but other than that he would be just fine. The big guy shifted the man into a comfortable position for him and looked back down at his teammate curiously. [color=39b54a]“We dropping him off at the station or somewhere less obvious?”[/color] He asked interested in what the other vigilante had to say on the subject. The two of them hadn’t really had a chance to mingle so to speak so this was a good a time as any he thought. [color=ed1c24]“I have ways of leaving the wicked in their place without being caught, come, I’ll show you.” [/color]Tapping her cane she began to move to the outside world, keeping sure to stay a few steps ahead. She hated the idea of it, but Tank scared her a little, he could kill her without much thought…. [color=ed1c24]“Kaite? Dispers my friend, we shall speak in the marrow.”[/color] The creature giving a haunting melody vanished before she even left to the streets. Her head tilted down only slightly. [color=ed1c24]“I did not know this place was under your protection, strange since we never crossed paths.”[/color] [color=39b54a]“I move around plenty between different areas, harder to leave a pattern that way and keeps the bad guys on edge not knowing where I’ll hit next.”[/color] The big guy said giving some explanation as to why they might not have found each other but tactical insight to a lesser degree. He kept up at an even pace a couple feet to the side occasionally scanning around them looking to see if there was anything else to worry about in the vicinity. There was a noted interest in him to see how the blind woman handled attracting attention to her subdued criminals from the police. Generally he left them in a visible spot where he knew cops would be and it wasn’t particularly hard to pick up on a knocked out baddie lying there for the taking so it worked well enough. Of course that was for street crimes because a lightning assault on a hideout or operation usually didn’t need much to get attention as he was leaving the scene, but it made him wonder how someone significantly different to him did it. [color=ed1c24] “I see, I tend to have a pattern in this place, I must or I may not find my way home.”[/color]She was only half lying, Millennium city was not the only place to see the Raven mask. [color=ed1c24]“Is strength your only ability?”[/color] Girard slotted the tidbit about Raven Tale into the back of his mind for later since it was useful to remember. However her question did bring up a valid point in that the others might not know the full extent of his powers so he figured it wouldn’t hurt to say a little more. [color=39b54a]“The tissue density makes me very durable too besides that, helps with fights and the shock tactics keeping me from getting hurt for the most part.”[/color] He said keeping it a simple explanation since he honestly didn’t know how to put it better himself. Of course he went without saying for the moment just how many problems it caused as it prevented, best saved for later and only if someone really wanted to hear it or it was a necessary evil in a conversation.[color=39b54a] “Not the most power flexible I guess but it gets the job done with a little thinking.”[/color] The big man said speaking a big truth about a power such as his. “[color=ed1c24]Sounds like a useful ability, one that I will be sure to keep in mind when under fire.”[/color] So, she was right, he could snap her in half without trying, without thinking. And it only made her take a step away without realizing it. [color=ed1c24]“It's a grand ability to protect those who wish you harm. Who knows, maybe you may take the place of captain powerhouse, would make the news less insulting.”[/color] Tank listened to Raven Tale talk and noticed the step away though he didn’t make a big deal of it knowing full well that him still sort of being a stranger and just being him was enough to keep people at a distance sometimes. [color=39b54a]“It has its upsides I guess, but most powers are a double edge sword and mine most certainly is at times.”[/color] He said frankly. However her quip at the rather annoying Powerhouse made him chuckle being highly amused by the concept though he it did make him think why he despised the man. [color=39b54a]“The man might be an ass, I won’t argue that, but it's his lack of restraint that bothers me, you can have glory but not at the cost of civilians.”[/color] Girard said clearly irked by the thought of what people considered his counterpart’s methods. Sure the two had some similarities but the overinflated ego mixed with a lack of control was going to get the other man in trouble eventually and honestly the big guy could see himself stepping in if it got too much. [color=ed1c24] “Indeed, the more one uses their abilities, the more hated they become.”[/color] Her hand absently feeling her book she began to think of her family, how they were not the best with supers due to some cheating in the arena with their powers. Still, the lighter topic brought a smile to her lips. [color=ed1c24]“Even I can see how he believes himself to be a god, a gift to mankind though all he has done was become an even larger threat than those he defeats. At least you hold back enough not to harm an innocent.”[/color] She could hear the voices of one of the police officers, the glass door and the beep of a metal detector. [color=ed1c24]“I believe this is the place, will you be so kind as to set him here?”[/color] She began tapping a step, just out of view from the station. Girard noticed them walking up on the station though he didn’t want to interrupt his fellow vigilante while she was speaking, plus he figured she would probably notice quickly. After listening it seemed like the woman had hit the nail dead on as to what went through Powerhouse’s head and the acknowledgement of his control was a nice note. The big man kept a close eye around just in case any of the officers or straggler might be in eyeshot but he saw nothing so it was a good time to see what Raven Tale had in mind for getting attention from the cops inside. “Sure no problem.” The big guy said taking a moment to prop the man up using the stairs but back against the wall.[color=39b54a] “Should be all set to do your thing.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Than follow me”[/color] poking the poor soul on the ground to make sure he was not conscience she began to leave, walking down an alleyway so that they were far from prying eyes. Unclasping her book she rested it on her arm, fingers brushing the passage as she leaned against a brick wall. "He seeks where we are lost, eyes the color of moss, with heart beating true, he only wishes to find you." The sounds of claws scraping on the ground, she reached out to pet the Grim, coarse wiry fur under hand with scales down his legs and a few bones showing through his skin. [color=ed1c24]“Station, you know what to do my friend.”[/color] A strange growl was all that was given as he began to move. Running down the way they came, Raven began to count down from five. A smirk on her features when screams of alarm echoed,[color=ed1c24] “And that is how you draw attention to whom you wish.”[/color] Pushing herself from the wall she stilled again, trying to figure out where she was. [color=ed1c24]“I thank you for the help, so, is there anything you have planned on this pale moon night?”[/color] Tank followed not entirely sure what to expect from the woman since she had a couple tricks up her sleeve he imagined. Once the Grim appeared the big man got a good look at the creature and thought it was pretty cool all things considered and probably quite useful. Once Raven Tale gave the go ahead as the beast moved off heading back towards the station though it took a moment before he realized what the trick was once the sounds of alarm came from around the corner. Sending the creature out was certainly one way to get attention he had to admit thinking that he himself would probably be interested in following it if he was on the receiving end without having rationalized the tactic. [color=39b54a]“No problem, it was a happy accident. As for that I had a small hideout eyed up for tonight, some particularly tough customers from what I hear in there. If you're up to it you're welcome to join along for the ride, might be a nice exercise come to think of it.”[/color] Girard said at first quite pleased with the turnout and more than willing to share his target of the night to his teammate with interest in seeing if the woman might be up for a little more action. Once the screams begin to fade from the Grim leaving. Raven Tale closed her book, the pages giving a loud thump before she strapped it back to her waist. Listening to the plan Tank had bubbling in his mind. And honestly, it did worry her, working with most worried her and she was the exact opposite of him. Still she allowed a smile to slip on her features, taking in a breath of misty air before tapping her cane. [color=ed1c24]“Why not, a night alongside a comrade seems like something I myself must get accustomed to.”[/color] Bowing her head a bit, she waited for the male to move, following after his footsteps over the slightly damp pavement. Girard perked up hearing the woman accept his offer for the job, he thought it was a great opportunity to both figure out how they could work together and disrupt some of the local activity. Of course they might have to deal with it a bit more carefully in her case but the big guy had a feeling he could keep the attention of most of them during a confrontation if it came to it, which it most likely would. He started to lead them on a path that would put them behind the restaurant after a bit of walking and leave them some time to figure out an approach. [color=39b54a]“It's not too far from where we were, couple blocks at the most.”[/color] He said wanting to give her an approximate distance rather than leave her in the dark on the subject.[color=39b54a] “You seem to be doing well with this whole vigilante business, limitations or not, if you don’t mind me saying.”[/color] Few blocks? Seems more than enough footsteps. Her cane raised just above the ground, she ran her finger over the Ebony handle. Her head tilted down as she found the giggling voices of teens out in the night as she listened to his words that soared above her head. [color=ed1c24]“I despise being handheld, and that’s what I was given most of my story. Vigilant work was simply another path that allowed me to feel normal from time to time, least more so than I am outside the mask.”[/color] [color=39b54a] “Don’t think a single person is normal, no one is ever normal around here.”[/color] Tank said honestly followed by a happy chuckle. [color=39b54a]“You probably fit in a lot more than you think here or there.”[/color] He panned around to see how close they were and saw they still had a little ways before they were in position. It made him wonder what it was like for someone who thought they were so different like that but it was hard for the big man considering his unique situation of never being normal from the start. The concept was a very foreign one but he supposed it had its reasons that he just wasn’t going to understand yet.[color=39b54a] “From everyone I’ve heard it always seems like a perspective thing, who is and isn’t normal. Just people making up rules in their heads.”[/color] Girard said broaching the subject further in his own way. A bit of laughter escaped her at the idea that she could fit in. A sound that caused misty air to be pulled between her teeth. Well, Raven can yes, but Aurora? Not so much. How many times has she felt the eyes of others watching when she was doing mundane tasks? The clicking of her cane and paleness of her skin was said to be like a beacon that attracted attention wanted or not. [color=ed1c24]“I guess it is in a way of perspective. Though I have yet to walk theses streets and not feel the gaze of many. Only when a mask is donning my features is when I’m free of the small burden. Though I assume tis something both of us face.”[/color] Although he didn’t exactly know why the woman laughed or for what reason specifically but he would take it for now. [color=39b54a]“Hard not to turn heads when you're a head and sometimes shoulder above most people or when you're smaller and paler than them. Some people would kill for that kind of attention though it's probably not all it's cracked up to be.”[/color] Girard said humbly while trailing off slightly, almost an unconscious statement from him. It took a moment for the big guy to rebound but once he did he noticed they were getting awful close but he didn't want to interrupt if Raven Tale had anything left to say. Though he did stop and look quietly to check for visible activity. [color=ed1c24]“I would take a life to not gather one’s gaze. Makes my mind uneasy.”[/color] Shrugging her shoulders, she felt her cane brush against something that gave a ting, the rolling sensation making her think it’s a can as she walked past. The cracks in the sidewalk were becoming more frequent, the air passing by less and less. Buildings must be eating at their path, looming over them like a guard of sound. The air began taking on a smell of iron, rust even. [color=ed1c24]“Seems we’re getting close, I can hear fighting...something breaking..Glass?”[/color] Tank snapped to attention at the sound of glass shattering fully aware of the neighbourhood but also that such a thing doesn’t just happen for no reason around here. It sounded a bit muffled to him, kind of like it was inside a building rather than outside which he could see happening if the criminals in question were present. The target building was an old restaurant so there was a chance it could have been an old display case or container inside. However, unlike Raven Tale he couldn’t hear the fighting she spoke of from where they were but he had a damn good idea where it was happening. [color=39b54a]“If that's right than it sounds like our hosts are around tonight right on time, but the fighting is different for them. The place is an abandoned restaurant, small place, but I figure they might be in the front room close to the counter or a table.”[/color] Girard said relaying some information to his fellow vigilante now rather than later. [color=39b54a]“How do we want to approach this exactly? I’d like your thought on it.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Restaurant hmm?”[/color] Idea’s already playing in her head, Raven mentioned for Tank to stay put. No longer tapping her cane, she hovered it over the ground again. Her steps light, airy even as she moved off the side and across the street. Finding a spot that was nestled away from open air, she began to sit down, the dampness of the pavement reaching her clothes. Head lulled forward, her breathing and movements began to still. She stayed like that for moments, to minutes. Ears keen as she picked up bits and pieces of what was told before making her way back to her companion..[color=ed1c24] “Seems there's a group, yelling at one individual about goods. Poor thing seems to be in tears.”[/color] A sigh escaping her, she unclasped her book. Resting it on her arm. [color=ed1c24]“It's a restaurant, meaning there must be a back door. Either you, or my wraith can enter from the front to cause chaos, only to be taken from the back. Simple, no?” [/color] [color=39b54a]“Point made, always good to get a partners’ insight though. I think I’ll take the front given my...lack of stealth and get some attention. Let's get in there before it gets worse for whoever was on the receiving end of that, they should have any information if we need it.”[/color] The big guy said lightly patting the woman on the shoulder before moving off to get into position. He figured that there wasn’t much need for an alarm or signal between the two because if anything they weren’t going to be the only ones who heard the commotion. A plus for getting the police to come once they were done and gone letting the officers take over from there. Tank was glad there were shutters on the windows because they worked both ways at the moment hiding his profile from the men inside as he gave Raven Tale time to get into a decent position. Once he felt enough time had passed he back up slightly before blasting through the door into the old building to dish out some justice. Quickly making her way to the back, hand on the building, Raven followed a crack she found in the wall, rounding a corner before shakily climbing a set of crates that groaned in protest before jumping down, a sigh of relief when she found that the handle under hand click in approval. She could already hear yells of alarm. Swear words and gun fire that hammered painfully against her ears, as they tried to take Tank down. [color=ed1c24]“Time of death, estimated at october 12th, 2010”[/color] The sound of a shriek echoed through the halls, a comforting sound for the albino. But yells turned to screams. “What is that thing?!” “Fucking A! Shoot it!” The pounding boots, the slamming of bodies all bouncing off the walls. Raven herself joining in under the guide of her wraith, the scene of a nightmare as the corpse whispered over her, grabbing those who get to near, sucking away their energy as the life seeped from their eyes before slipping into unconsciousness. Girard made his impression quite quickly upon entering delivering a solid punch to the first man who was closest as the rest fired shots at him to no effect. He turned around to lift one up by his collar before tossing him in the general direction of his partner’s wraith before kneeing one of the aggressors as he came running in for a pistol whip, he went down quickly and with several cracks accompanying it. Whoops. Between the big guy’s punches the next couple of men ended up against walls one with a definitely broken jaw and the other with more than the wind knocked out of him. Tank took a moment to look and see if there were anymore left standing given how quick and effective the assault had been but it appeared between the three of them the only remaining one was a man who was tied up to a chair looking a bit beaten up. The sounds of crushing bones, gargled screams and flying body had caused Raven to be light on her feet. Her movements always half made, just ready to spring away if need be. By the time it was over she stilled, her cane of ebony still in her hand, gripped like a blade in her ghostly grasp, stance ready to attack for several moments till she finally heard Tank ease up. [color=ed1c24]“Who still lies with open eyes?”[/color] She could hear the harsh, slow breathing of the defeated. Her cane tapping one’s clothes as she made her way to Tank. Her wraith still following behind with haunting grace. The man tied looked at them with fearful eyes. Wide like a newborn fawn as he squirmed at the sight of the two beasts that caused more terror than the gang ever could. His skin was raw from where the rope bit him. Shaggy brown hair plastered to his brow with sweat. Brown eyes laced with pain, one eye reddened and bruised, glasses by his feet. His vision was still dizzy, head swinging side to side in a rhythmic pattern. But even so, he could make out the giant and the elf. “Please..Please I don’t have anything on me, I swear if I did I would give it to you. I..I just want to get back to my kids. Voice quivering, he watched with baited breath as death vanished. “Where...where did it go?” He couldn’t help but ask, yet the one dressed in black only offered a uncharacteristically kind smile. [color=ed1c24]“Do not fear us, we offer no harm, do you need medical attention?”[/color] “No...no, I, I just have to get back to my store before they take everything. I’m...I’m loosing everything.” Girard took the time to look the man over closer while Raven Tale handled the talking for the first part. It definitely could have ended worse for him, he was a lucky man in that respect but it sounded like his troubles had yet to end if what he said was right about the thieves. Of course if that was the case it seemed like tonight was going to get all the more interesting since they uncovered something a bit bigger than he thought initially. This shit just gets more complicated all the time. He thought having the urge to rub his temples but he resisted. [color=39b54a]“How about you tell us where this place they’re robbing is while I get these ropes off you, no need for them.”[/color] The big guy said moving over to work on the surprisingly well tied restraints. The man simply watched, he found his mouth dry as he studied the two. The large man seemed to be kind, careful as he tried to free him. And while the girl’s beast was a hellish thing in itself, he started to realize that she was the size of a child, hardly even reaching his shoulder as he stood. “I...I got a shipment of goods from a partner company..they, they had high quality goods, and I was getting a higher income. I tried to keep it from getting too out in the open but not even a month in, they found out….” He mentioned them with an incline of his head. Watching while the girl tapped an unconscious male by her feet with the strange rod in her hands. [color=ed1c24]“Do you trust us to help you?”[/color] He found his breath cut short at the words, looking at them again, only to picture his shop being ransacked. “I, my store, it's a tech pawn shop...back to the future, I know, my daughter came up with the name, it's near first street.” Like a switch, he watched the girl become animated once more. Moving across the room after bowing her head in thanks. [color=ed1c24]“We will clear them out. Tank, if you follow I have Dullahan, she can get us there in a moment before they leave.”[/color] The big man listened as his partner worked to getting a bit more information out of the distraught man who had been looking closely at them mostly in fear before but calming down once they didn’t continue the bad night he had been having. Wasn’t hard to tell why the two could be intimidating or terrifying at times, it tended to help when dealing with criminals using fear as a weapon because it made them think twice or kept them on edge. It was a strategy Tank made extensive use of as his sudden assaults left little room for else besides maybe anger in the higher ups because of its effectiveness. As the man said what the thieves were after it made plenty of sense how aggressive they were like, taking the owner to prevent further issues, he hadn’t been wrong about them being tough nuts after all. The name and location of the shop were something he would dedicate to memory so he might spend a little extra patrol time in the area after tonight just in case, but he had something to say before they left in a hurry. [color=39b54a]“Police should be here soon enough, you tell them what happened and they’ll take care of you from here. Stay safe.” Girard said before following after Raven Tale with a question in mind. “Sounds good whatever a Dullahan is.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Its hooves of thunder shall carry another. Under the guise for eyes that have not yet seen, it shall punish those, who have yet to bleed."[/color] The words fell from her lips as she left the building, back to the open streets and away from prying eyes. The sound of a great stead fit for the horsemen themselves echoed across the streets in ghastly moans. The clicking of hooves on pavement and the heavy breathing of something large. Yet all that was seen before them, stood a motorcycle. Black in color with little else, yet shown strength that many people would fawn over. [color=ed1c24]“Dullahan is how I get from place to place, a sweet thing till she shows her true self.”[/color] With light steps she put her cane away and climbed on. Taking the handles and turning her head back in Tank’s direction. [color=ed1c24]“Causes less of a disturbance.”[/color] Girard watched not entirely sure what he was seeing but he would go with it regardless if it meant they got to the store faster. There were still more than a few things he didn’t understand about the female vigilante or her powers but if anything she seemed very dedicated to dealing with the city’s crime problem and he couldn’t fault that. However one thing he did like was the kickass ride in front of him and while he walked everywhere out of necessity, mostly, taking a ride would be a nice change of pace. The only thing that had him maybe more than a little worried was the fact he was letting a blind person drive him but it was the only way he was going to get there particularly fast. Tank moved up to the vehicle and sat down still mildly uncomfortable but in the mindset to get it over with quickly. [color=39b54a]“Time to go give them another caning.”[/color] He said eager to be back on his feet and kicking ass soon. She could tell the Tank was uncomfortable. But honestly she felt like she didn’t want to tell him it was not her driving. Let the guy think he was being lead by the blind. Nodding her head at the words, she grabbed hold of the handles, her hands feeling leather beneath, knowing it had to be the reins. [color=ed1c24]“First street”[/color] with the words spoken the beast flared to life. A whinny that sounded worlds away as they sped off into the night, the city streets becoming a blur as they cut corners, and passed others with ease, vanishing before people could even turn their heads. [color=ed1c24]“Ease up”[/color] Again dullahan responded. Slowing her strides in another part of town that seemed to be quiet. Void of life aside from the winds that stirred trash about the streets. Climbing off she waited to hear Tank do the same before she asked the beast to disperse in a wave of wispy smoke. Girard was in disbelief at first that they were going as fast as they were, of course he had never exactly gone this fast before but once it got through to him, he was just impressed. He thought it was an amazing thing to have as much utility that Raven Tale did as compared to someone like him who was usually very straight forward. It wasn’t that he didn’t get creative occasionally but it took a bit of thinking and often ended up causing a mess even more so than normal which kept him away from it. There was barely any time to register where they were before the motorcycle had slowed down and his partner had jumped off only waiting on him to do the same which he did quickly as to not hold them up. [color=39b54a]“Hell of a ride.”[/color] The big guy said honestly having enjoyed in it a way but also feeling maybe a bit more confident that the female vigilante’s powers were extremely useful. [color=ed1c24] “Should cast your gaze upon her true form one day. She’s quite the sight I assume.”[/color] Nodding her head in thanks, she began to take her cane back out, feeling the curb and stepping from the street. She could smell smoke, and rain. A strange combo that caused her nose to scrunch up when introduced to the trash. [color=ed1c24]“Come, can’t be fa-”[/color] The sound of rummaging, a building coming to life with more than a few people. Common sounds of a ransacked home causing the woman to start to move. [color=ed1c24]“They must have gone through the back, they’ll be thicker there, you go and I’ll keep them from escaping.”[/color] [color=39b54a]“Sounds like a plan.”[/color] Tank said quite curious but it would have to wait for the moment prompting him to follow his partner. It was certainly not the best part of town so to speak but it certainly wasn’t as dirty or crime filled as a couple other major areas in the city which made it a little more bearable for the big man, though you’d rarely catch him complaining. Tonight was a bit more active it seemed, especially with the noise that was being kicked up in a nearby building which had interrupted Raven Tale. As soon as she mention the back of the building Girard was on the move to cut off the thieves in a hurry though he did catch some of the back half of the sentence it wasn’t entirely clear but it was hard not to get the drift. He was ready to blitz the criminals if necessary but and ambush was what he would have preferred, but either was workable. Inside was ravaged. Tables flipped boxes open and their treasures thrown about like copper coins. The harsh whispers growing louder as the group began to find what they were looking for. Becoming less and less careful, their worries cast aside as they began to believe that no one would punish them for their deeds. “I’ll keep an eye out” the voice was cocky. Steps heavy as he made his way to the front. A bit taller than Raven but not by much, she listened to his words to find him. The male made only one mistake in not looking forward, causing himself to be met with an ebony cane pushed harshly against his throat, air being stolen from his lungs while the door behind them burst forward. Swears and curses exploding, creating more of a scene only for the man’s world to turn black. “Get the shit! Come on get out!” As they ran forward, they were met with the jaws of a beast. [color=ed1c24]“He only wishes to find you”[/color] a haunting voice as she sent the Grim even further into the building, herself met with a spar when someone came at her with a bat. Adrenaline burst through her veins, ducking low to the ground only to feel the weapon fly over her head, just a breath away. Kicking out at him she dove for his legs, bringing him down with her, her fist colliding with his nose with all the force she had, knocking him out. Bang! A hot searing pain ripped through the sleeve of her coat from inside the building. Raven did not even have the time to voice her surprise, when another hand was brought to her shoulder, her head flying back only for the skull upon her face to crack against his features, listening as the body ragged with pain fell to her feet. The crash from the back culminated in a door flying into one of the criminals sending him to the floor, a bit of foreshadowing for what was to come for the rest. While Raven Tale engaged the two at the front the big man swiftly followed behind the door delivering a punch to the nearest man sending him into a wall and brought an arm up to deflect a crowbar which groaned in protest as it bent back. The owner of the weapon made a similar sound when he received a ‘light’ kick to the gut. Tank was in a rhythm up until he heard the gunshot from not that far away, it wouldn’t have bother him if it was at him but he felt nothing so there was only one answer to the thief's target of choice. He blurred out momentarily holding the shooting arm of the gunman pulling up as the man shot once more causing it to hit the ceiling instead though he saw another man was going to attempt to free his comrade only to take a backhand slap to the face taking him out. The currently restrained man struggled to try weaseling out of the big man’s grip to no avail and now he had the man’s undivided attention. Girard noticed out of the corner of his eye one of the scum had recovered from getting knocked aside before and made a clumsy dash for the back entrance. Thinking quick the giant hefted up the gunman and launched him straight at the other criminal with surprising accuracy, he had done this before, taking both out in one a fell swoop. His blood was still buzzing as he scanned around for new threats though he was worried about his fellow vigilante now that he was more aware of himself. [color=39b54a]“You alright?”[/color] He called to Raven Tale hoping for a decent answer since the woman had been shot at. [color=ed1c24]“Just a graze, nothing a drink won’t fix.”[/color] Her voice showing the woman was out of breath, she let a curse fall from her lips when she began to listen to the retreating footfalls. Hurried things that were sure to have been scarred for some time. Eyes snapping open under the mask, the woman turned in the direction of Tank. The distant sounds of sirens dancing through the streets. [color=ed1c24]“Time to go,”[/color] without another word she ran, her riding boots clicking against the stone streets, almost tripping on a crack before turning into what seems like another alleyway a few streets down. Girard was glad to hear it wasn’t a direct hit, still not a great thing but it would do all things considered. He had also picked up on some of the footsteps but they were faint to him so chasing them was a lost cause for him at least. That was only reinforced when the police sirens appeared shortly after the other vigilante mentioned them. He bolted shortly after her deciding to take a bit of a roundabout route away from the shop initially be aiming for the same general direction Raven Tale had gone towards. He started to slow down after a little bit once he was pretty sure no one was following him but continued walking while keeping eyes and ears open. Sides heaving, and wounded, Raven leaned her back on the alley wall. The sound of distant sirens being nothing more than a melody in the back of her mind. [color=ed1c24]“You are slow my friend, can you not keep you with the blind?”[/color] A smirk on her lips, she waited for the lumbering steps of Tank following close behind. [color=ed1c24]“Tis was a grand night I shall admit, yet even I can tell that Dawn shall approach soon and I do not do well in sunlight.”[/color] Tank turned to face Raven Tale once she spoke, he had admittedly missed her in the dark area what with the black costume. [color=39b54a]“Rather be slow and unpredictable to everyone else.”[/color] He said with a little laugh. He had a quick listen to the other vigilante and had to agree with her about it being a good run for them. He had to admit it was a shame how close it was to being light around the city but he had nothing but family time to take over yesterday so a long night worked out well. [color=39b54a]“We should do it again sometime, you get yourself fixed up and have a good sleep though. I gotta get back home, stay safe.”[/color] Girard said remarking on the night a little and voicing his mild concern quickly. He wasn’t wrong that he had to go even if the activities were going to be later on but he would rather not fall asleep during them. The big guy gave a quick wave before remembering Raven Tale was blind again and mentally shrugged before heading out for his apartment. [color=ed1c24]“And to you as well my friend, may your path lead to fortune upon fate.”[/color] Bowing her head a bit in thanks, the woman called forth Dullahan, the echoing whinny running down the alley, a shadow showing on the city streets of a great horse missing it’s head. Hopping on she put her cane away, the first sun rays starting to caress her coat. [color=ed1c24]“Till we meet again, maybe next time it will be without the destruction of someone’s creation.” [/color] With the spoken words she sped off on the creation, the distant hum of a motorcycle followed by the ghostly whinny.[/hider]