Shira could feel her eyes fluttering open as she groaned. Last thing she... huh, that was odd. She couldn't remember that much it seemed, except her name. She sat up and looked around, noticing that she was in a place she did not recognize, but to be fair, she barely knew Adam from Steve at the moment. Her eyes seemed to adjust to the bright blue sky above and the sun. As she sat up, she realized that she was holding something in each of her hands. Her right had an odd green composition notebook, and in her left, there was an odd green coin. As she looked at the large coin, roughly the size of her palm, she could feel something buzzing in not only her hand, but her head. This coin... She stood up and tucked the coin into her jeans pocket and frowned a bit as she looked around. She opened her notebook, read briefly and then closed it and sighed a bit. Seems she had gotten herself into something interesting. She smiled a bit at that thought and tucked the notebook under her arm, and remembered the letter again. She shrugged and walked over to the tavern, and noticed a woman who looked maybe slightly younger than her opening the door and peering in to the very tavern she was planning on walking into. [color=0072bc]"Excuse me, can I pass by to get in? I kinda need to get in sooner rather than later."[/color] She offered a smile to this stranger at the door.