[quote=@lovely complex] [h3]Tomorrow morning I'll be making a Discord chatroom for all you party people :) Thanks for you're interest! We really appreciate it. To those who have submitted characters, for my own organization sanity, can you put your deity in your hider name? Ie. Cecily Merrick/Zeus. It'll make it easier for us to go directly to your character when looking at said deity's competition. Tomorrow I will also start my oh so well known great lists that will organize every character by grade, it will have your character's colors, keep tabs of ratio, npcs, and other nice things that are good to see all together in one area. Once you get accepted, please PM me your face claim's name so I can add it to my great list. [/h3] You'll come to learn quick, I'm an organization...nerd. I'll say nerd. That's a soft term. IT'S 2 AM HERE WOO! [/quote] I spent about a minute really confused as to when I changed my text size settings. It didn't even occur to me that it was the post. This is what happens when I'm up really late.