[hider=Reynard] What does your character look like: [hider=Images] Fox: [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Reynard-the-fox.jpg[/img] Human: [img]http://pre10.deviantart.net/de7b/th/pre/f/2015/364/e/a/musketeer_by_nayshie-d9m1g9p.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Reynard Nickname/other name known by: Reinādo Fokkusu Age: Though he appears young, he's wildly inconsistent in the age he gives, ranging anywhere from 20 to 1000-years-old. Gender: Male Relationship Status: Single, though several spurious relationships with men and women in the past. Race/Species: Kitsune Personality: Clever, deft, and cavalier, Reynard has donned many faces in his life, but between them, there is always a common element: he has always personified the arch-typical trickster. Never one to shy away from deception and subterfuge, Reynard takes great pleasure in causing havoc. Guile and eloquent, he is master of fraud, and often prefers to delegate work to the unwitting than get his hands dirty. Strengths: Deft and agile, there are few who surpass Reynard in terms of sheer dexterity and flexibility. Reynard prides himself on his ability to weave in and out of even the tightest spaces. Beyond that, Reynard possesses a wit and charm that far exceeds his peers. This is the sort of man who could sell you a bridge he doesn't own for three times its cost. Something of an scholar, Reynard is an adept sorcerer, though nothing beyond that which most magicians are capable of. Weaknesses: Of course, his reliance on his tongue to solve his problems has left him more than a little out-to-dry in the physical department. Physically weak and fragile, Reynard often steers to the back when things go awry, preferring to let others get 'up close and personal' with danger. Furthermore, any difficult or extended effort often leaves him exhausted and winded. What does your character like/Hate the most: A very non-material person, Reynard deeply admires clever and resourceful people, as well as those with deep sense of morals and dignity. He has a strong distaste for people who resort to violence first, as he sees it as barbaric and insipid, lacking the tact and guile to which he is accustomed. He is, somewhat ironically, not fond of those who exploit the unfortunate and downtrodden. He believes that robbing a rich man of his money is comedic, but stealing a poor man's livelihood is cruel, and unimpressive besides. He also has a dislike of cats. In particular, Tybalt, the Prince of Cats, is widely-known as his rival in many respects, and the two have come in conflict more than once. Skills: A musketeer through-and-through, Reynard prides himself in his proficiency with black-powder arms, and his ability to load and fire in nearly 20 seconds. An accomplished duelist, he excels in areas where his dexterity and shrewdness give him the upper hand. And, of course, his grace and charm are second to none. Weapon/Items: Reynard possesses a black-powder musket, which he cares for deeply and thoroughly, ensuring its cleanliness and operation. He also possesses a nimble iron rapier which, while refined, is rarely useful outside particular situations. He also carries a cartridge box with wadding, bullets and powder; a ramrod, for pushing the cartridges down the breech of the barrel; and a spanner, for quick repairs. Powers/Abilities: Like most kitsune, Reynard is a somewhat capable magician, though the exact nature of his magic is much more erratic than most sorcerers. Calling meteors and lightning from the sky? Uninteresting. Shrinking them to mouse size and setting their cat loose? Funny. Making them think a cactus is their wife? Hilarious. Besides that, Reynard is capable of shifting from a human to a foxish form at will, though those forms are always the same. History/Biography: Though he'd never admit it now, Reynard was born in relative obscurity to a poor farming family in the countryside. Early in life, however, he took on a human guise and found himself apprenticed to Agnés Compagnon, a Maîtresse in the stationer's guild, where he first learned to read and write. He became somewhat well known in the village in which he was apprenticed, becoming well-liked among the town-folk, where he had gained a reputation as an honest and diligent young man. As his apprenticeship came to a close, he continued to use his talents as a paper-maker and calligraphist, often finding himself commissioned by newlyweds and the parents of newborns, as well as magicians who needed paper for their scrolls. He had created his masterpiece ( invitations written for the local count's soiree, festooned with lace and ink) at the ripe young age of 17, becoming an official member of the guild and a Master Craftsman all the same, giving him the right to work as a self-employed craftsman. He earned his first commission by weaseling his way into a Writ of Exclusive Sale with a local gunsmith, with whom he had bargained the sole right of purchase of cartridge paper, his first introduction to the intricacies of firearms. This exclusivity with such a profitable deal, however, did not go unnoticed by other craftsmen. Tybalt, a Master in the chemist's guild, and also an cat masquerading as a human (not entirely unlike Reynard), was the major seller of wadding and powder to most gunsmiths, and saw Reynard's Writ of Exclusive Sale as a threat to his own business, and worked to undermine it. All the while, Reynard had become quite well-known in his small village. Though it had never been formally stated, people had already come to the conclusion that Reynard was something less than human, but he had amassed such goodwill that nobody seemed to care. But, in a deft political manouvre that even Reynard couldn't see coming, Tybalt, hypocrite that he was, had accused Reynard of the truth: that he was a fox in human guise, a crime punishable by disbarment from the guilds, and several years in prison. Though he was able to dodge the inquisitor's questions well-enough that he could avoid criminal prosecution, the damage was done. The guild let him keep his Certificate of Mastery, but barred him from trading within the borders of any kingdom that recognized the stationer's guild, for fear of further embarrassment. Ashamed and defeated, Reynard became an itinerant, and took to dueling, deception, and drink to fill his purse. Though he resented his lot at first, he quickly became accustomed to it, swearing that he'd get his revenge. One day. After maybe [i]one[/i] more drink. [/hider]