[Center][b]Ayano Wakahisa: [color=fff200]Hall of the Slain 28/6/2015, Sunday[/color][/b][/center] Without the aid of that mecha-bird hybrid, who knows what could've happened to the team? Somehow, she and the rest of the team need to repay that bird one way or another, but that'll have to come later. To her utter surprise, the avian had darted off somewhere, and a quick gander at her scanners revealed that it was going off to another dungeon, most likely to help the other groups out. Huh, what a strange little thing it was. With the skeletal assassin's slain, there was only one thing to do, and the foreboding atmosphere within the dungeon had only been amplified to a dangerous level. The blinking red caution sign appearing on her screen didn't help either, the group had no choice but to push forward, and Ayano put her faith in to everyone. Kami and the others had made quite a climb, the brunette could only feel sorry for them and how sore their feet must be, it was one of the perks of being a navigator instead of actually exploring the dungeon. She uttered a warning to the party, sensing the ominous and intimidating aura from behind the door, it didn't take a rocket genius to figure out who and what was behind the door. They had come this far, to turn back now would be all for naught, and so they opened the door. Appearing before them were the usual scenario that they had witnessed time and time again, the true self and the other self, the concepts of which having been lost and twisted ever since their ventures. The regal and grandeur illusion the throne room was casting certainly helped with the atmosphere the shadow of Masahide was trying to evoke; a narcissistic king who thinks he is above perfection itself, one of the worst facets of man. It didn't take long for the boy to lash out his anger and denial at his shadow and say those three words... What followed was the transformation of what was once a mirror image, into a hyperbolic demonization of itself, accompanied with a canid creature that certainly looked more than ready to feast on the remains of the party, Ayano hoped it certainly wouldn't have to come to that. Not a moment too soon, Ayano began to rapidly type on her keyboard, her left screen deciphering data on the tall figure and her right screen deciphering the wolf. It would take a moment before the scan was complete and Ayano could only do what she could during that time, [b][i][color=007236]"Keep your distance, guys! My scan is going to take a while, so please try to hold out for a little while!"[/color][/i][/b]