Luis had successfully knocked through about two of the taggers before the whistle blew. He clicked his tongued annoyedly, ignoring the glares from the students he decked. Next time he saw those twins, he wasn't gonna waste his opportunity. "Luis," said Pablo, "can you meet me and possibly Reinhard in the library in five minutes?" The muscled boy shook his head ruefully. [color=0076a3]"Apologies mi pana, got a prior engagement. Maybe afterwards. Catch ya later."[/color] He relayed his phone number to Pablo before leaving for the locker rooms to get changed. Man, if he knew that tomorrow's classes were cancelled too, then he would have saved his extra studying for later instead of enduring the unholy raucousness of his classmates. He waited by the gate, hoping that the bus to the city wouldn't take too long. He took the folded note from his pocket, given to him by his landlord the day before. It read in flowery handwriting: [i]"The piano arrives tomorrow. If you could take it up to my apartment for me, I'll compensate you well. A. Castillo"[/i] Luis had planned to transport the upright Petrof to Mrs Castillo's top level apartment by using the service elevator, but it had conveniently broken down the night before. Therefore, Luis decided to turn to Nishka. He knew that she would greatly appreciate his landlord's reward. He had done a few errands for her in the past and it had always been worth it. Luis sighed and stared to the sky. He wouldn't be surprised if Nishka decided to ditch because of the freeze tag game, but he sincerely hoped otherwise. [@Eklispe]