Ok figured it out [hider]Faction Name: Isengard Origin: Lord of the Rings Faction Type: Country Leader: Saruman Population: ~60,000 Faction Rank: 3 Color: Orange Assigned GM: Starting Area: Faction Introduction After Saruman stopped following the concil of wizards and delved into dark magic he also built his own army and enslaved orcs and dunlendings (Dunland). Their center is in Isengard on the river Isen on Middle Earth. Saruman accidently cast a spell transporting himself and parts of his army to worluk. Now free of thr overshadowing of Mordor they wish to expand and form their own empire. Faction Features Efficient Government, being a dictatorship with almost absolute power Strong military;below Saruman the many colored is powerful in forms of magic of middle earth Civilian Population is medium size, not large not many artisnas or crafters Not much creativity or individuality in society-harsh technology leads to much pollution-dont care much about nature Military 20,000 urukhai (pikemen,swordsmen, beserkers, all well armored) 10,000 wildings (swordsmen, spears less armor) 3,000 goblins from moria 5,000 orcs (archers) 5,000 warg riders Saruman's Magic for blowing up walls, surveillance etc. siege equipment ( 200 scaling ladders, 10 battering rams, 10 balistas) Ugluk,Saruman the many colored, Wulf son of Freca (leaders)[/hider]