[hider=Placeholder] [center][h1][color=#fbceb1]Stephen Nakamura[/color][/h1][hr] [IMG]Insert URL of face, realistic only if Human. Photoshopped/realistic/CGI images recommended for non-humans.[/IMG] [b]"[i]“Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?” [/i]"[/b] -[b][i]Douglas Adams, The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy[/i][/b][/center][hr][hr] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Stephen Vince Nakamura | [color=#fbceb1][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Steph | [color=#fbceb1][b]Alias[/b][/color] | None at the moment but eventually, it'll become 'Seer' | [color=#fbceb1][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | February 4 2003. | [color=#fbceb1][b]Age[/b][/color] | 23 | [color=#fbceb1][b]Species[/b][/color] | Human | [color=#fbceb1][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Male | [color=#fbceb1][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Heterosexual | [color=#fbceb1][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | True Neutral | [color=#fbceb1][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Despite not having the physique most guys of his age possess, physical appearance doesn't relatively matter to Steph so long as he can function normally as a human being with a complete and able set of body parts. Steph stands at around 170 cm from a rough estimate and weighs at about 151 lbs. On the outside, he can be seen having an average build, composed mainly by a slim body frame and narrow shoulders. His apparent lack of muscle tone gives the impression that he doesn't bother on working out even at the slightest bit, which is not really a necessity for him as he couldn't find any point from it all. At times, he tried his best to give it a go but then ended up being too lazy and swirled up by his absurd philosophies in life. That being said, with his laziness, he reached at a point where keeping an image accepted by social norms is something he should be avoiding. This doesn't mean that neglecting his hygiene is a supposed response to that. He still maintains cleanliness at best and tries not to look as absurd as possible while remaining true towards his own self. Steph's dark hair has been kept at shoulders length for quite some time and has no intention on cutting it anytime soon as he is largely comfortable from how it looks alone - a great excuse to hide his face from the masses. He has a rather pale complexion, which only proves how his childhood years revolved around being inside of his house and rarely going out. That's true for the most part but it doesn't apply to the majority on how his life was spent back then. He has dark eyes which he thinks is a distant heritage that he's completely oblivious of. Steph often lacks facial expressions, most especially when he's trying to interact with other people. He always looks bored and uninterested but those come off naturally and don't really mean that he's bored or uninterested in actuality. Even when he's angry his facial expressions look exactly the same and prove no difference whenever compared to his other moods. With regards to clothing, Steph likes wearing anything dark-colored. He has a large collection of merchandise ranging from t-shirts to bull caps with printed logos of his favourite musicians. Often he keeps his style simple and again, not adhering too much towards social norms. He has a tattoo of a rose on his right shoulder and a small, prominent scar located near his left brow. | [color=#fbceb1][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [b][i]Precognition[/i][/b] [indent]In which is known as foresight, future vision or fortunetelling by some. To simply put, Steph has the ability to foresee or predict future occurrences by subjecting himself through abrupt visions of the forthcoming. As these visions manifest a mental image, Steph's actions can eventually become influenced depending on how he wants to avoid particular future events that might be futile for his well being. He is also able to observe the sequence of events from these said visions as doing so will become useful onto assisting him in possible courses of action. This, however, is prone to continual change as what the future holds can completely come off as different from Steph's visions with the present time perpetually altering its flow. With that being said, Steph can prevent certain things from happening but that will solely depend on how much power he has to do so.[/indent] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | While seeing what the future is can be a great advantage to many, but for the ability itself, there are limitations that can only make it as useful as it is. Firstly, Steph's foresight can only reach a singular time frame and cannot exceed beyond a few number of years. Most of what his visions hold are approximate events or anything that can be within the next day, week or month. Visions that tell about what's going to happen within the next two years or so rarely manifest and if they do, they can be quite vague and unclear as to what really happens in that specific time period. These visions can be similar to dreams and can be a bit challenging to remember unless there's something that can help on deciphering what they comprise. They are also involuntary actions that happen unexpectedly, but there can be some rare instances where Steph can use it within control. Lastly, focusing on the visions that manifest images of the future can be quite difficult to do should there be any background disturbances. | [color=#fbceb1][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | what are your character's items and equipment? What do they carry on them? (Items, weapons, etc.) | [color=#fbceb1][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [list][*]cynical [*]dubious [*]unfriendly...well, at certain times when he generally doesn't want to be around people [/list] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Give me at least two paragraphs of what your character's personality is like. | [color=#fbceb1][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | [list][*]At all times, Steph avoids making eye contact during a particular conversation which ends up giving an impression that he's uninterested even though there are times that he isn't. [*]Often difficult to entertain [*]Tries to tell others that he generally doesn't care about what they think even if he does...sometimes [/list] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [list][*]Playing a variety of musical instruments (mostly the drums, violin or the trumpet) [*]Practicing his luck [*]Writing randomly in the hopes that it'll become something lyrical [/list] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [list][*]Solitude [*]Dogs [*]Jazz music [/list] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [list][*]Crowded places [*]Cold seasons [*]Horchata [/list] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [list][*]Raccoons [*]Heights [*]Rats [/list] | [color=#fbceb1][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Chicago, IL | [color=#fbceb1][b]Family[/b][/color] | Cecile and Nathaniel Nakamura, Steph's mother and father. | [color=#fbceb1][b]History[/b][/color] | Steph's early years were quite uneventful. It was an endless cycle packed with mundane absurdities that never even helped him develop his own growth nor be someone who is living to meet one's goals and aspirations. He was a kid who has nothing more in his hands than obeying what his parents told him, mostly adhering to what's right and what's wrong. For the most part, he didn't come from a privileged household. He belonged to a family where neither his mom nor dad had a good educational background. They strove throughout their lives, using whatever skills they can use to provide income and support each of their daily lives. Luckily, Steph's parents were decent musicians themselves who had their own band back when the days were brimmed with young stoners and aspiring rockstars. However, Steph didn't have a healthy relationship with his parents as he largely disliked their laziness and believed that they were the reason why he had nothing else to look forward to at the present time. Regardless, he tried best to live his life forward without too much regret. Besides in the end, those things wouldn't matter to him anyway and having that point of view kind of made everything easier for him, or at least not as difficult as it could've been. College wasn't a big requirement for Steph. As long as his age and educational background were fitting enough to be qualified for a decent-paying job, then those were the fixed conditions he ought to maintain. After finishing high school, he immediately began investing his time to earn and survive. Of course it wasn't easy; he was deemed incompetent for a few number of jobs but that didn't bring him down. Merely, they were only reminders that told him he wasn't trying hard enough and needed to make an effort to improve the way he does things. After all, if he didn't consider on trying another job, he shouldn't have tried in the first place if he was just going to give up in the end. Eventually, he did find a job and as soon as he earned enough to gain independence, he moved and resettled in the big city. Perhaps life would've been quite normal if it wasn't for one discovery that forever changed Steph and his way of seeing things. It started off as a peculiar sensation, something that felt familiar but the more he tried to think about it, the more strange it became. Steph assumed it was just the result of him smoking too much but it was far from the effects one would have from taking drugs, because Steph knew that choosing them as an option would be an act of desperation and something which he'd very much regret in the end. He could see things in different variations, all of which had a certain closeness to the events happening around him. It was as if he knew what the future was going to be. He was scared, terrified and paranoid of it. If anything, escaping the visions evincing throughout his perception was the first thing he wanted to do. However, the more he tried resisting it, the worse his condition became. It was at a particular occurrence where he began experiencing psychological pain, of which was caused by the visions that were invading his mental state. It became worse and worse up to the point where he stopped showing up for work and stayed inside of his apartment for an entire day, trying to relieve the pain that was lodging inside of his mind. Currently, the condition calmed and Steph found another job to get his life together again after losing his previous one. Apparently, it wasn't easy for him, knowing that there was a certain kind of fear lodging inside of his mind that he couldn't even describe himself. At times, he just wanted it to end, and release himself from the suffering it was causing him, but even that was a lot more difficult to do. | [color=#fbceb1][b]Extra[/b][/color] | [list][*] Steph is a third-generation Japanese-American and can only speak and understand little Japanese. [*] Steph's middle name is Nishiyama which means "western mountain" [*] Steph has a passion for jazz and alternative rock music. His favourite musical instruments are the piano and the drums. [indent]The Punisher // GMT +8 // [color=gray]This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-Game![/color][/indent][/list] [sub]Face Claim: Insert Person You Used for Picture Here[/sub] [/hider] This isn't finished yet, hence the placeholder. I'd like to put this here just to show that I'm still interested. This is a recycled character of mine by the way, and it's from another RP that I didn't have the chance of writing due to work and rl shenanigans.