Elena was not eager to be ushered by a Templar to a doctor, but given Alessandro's state she did not know if they had time to make it back to their quarters or trusted associates before running into more trouble. With a sigh of discontent and an equally unamused look upon her face, she pressed Alessandro on in front of her and followed behind him as they exited the catacombs. What made her even more nervous was having the Templar's behind her. As they walked, her arms remained tense, ready for the slightest movement or deviation so that her blades may extend again and find the flesh of the mutts that she knew were out to best her. When the apprentice suddenly left as they were in the streets, Elena's eyes narrowed and she stepped closer to Alessandro, not trusting the Templar's explanation as they continued towards the medical cart. Once there, she was happy to see the Templar leave. Alessandro began getting treatment from the doctor, who from the looks of it didn't know an Assassin from a Templar from a goat. All the same, so long as his practices were proven. But not moments later, the sound of chinking armor moving in a steadily approaching beat caused Elena to swear under her breath. [i]"Merda."[/i] Turning, she glared as the guard accused the two of criminal activity. Then, she laughed as the Templar stepped forward with the others. "[i]Bastardo.[/i] Scared to take on one and a half Assassins, so the Templars go running for an army? How doughty of you." Elena spoke, her feet not moving from the place she stood when the guard had approached her with his husky and charged voice. Alessandro was still on the bench, wound half-dressed and doctor long gone. His eyes shifted across the Templar group as he stood up, wincing and grabbing his sword from its scabbard beside him. "What are you going to do, arrest us?" Alessandro quipped through clenched teeth. One hand was placed on his bleeding wound and the other held out his blade. Elena shot him a sideways glance, as she still stood without a weapon drawn or any notion of hostility towards these 'authorities.' "Jail is the best they can do, Alessandro. Put your weapon down." Alessandro looked from the guards to his weapon, then lowered it with disdain. The pair of Assassins put their hands up. With the nearby onlookers that the spectacle had garnered, it was unlikely that the guard should be so careless as to attack two surrendering and seemingly innocent people. The guards began to advance on them. Elena did not move, but kept her gaze on the Templar. "So, what will you do now?"