[center][color=4682B4][h3]R E I K I "R E I" S U I S H Ō[/h3][/color][/center] Rei's grin couldn't get any wider as she watched both Captain's burst through the Dangai wall. [color=4682B4][i]'Heck fucking yeah! Nothing can stop my Captain!'[/i][/color] It may not have seemed like much to the other Captains, but watching both them break through what seemed to be an impenetrable wall was amazing to say the least. She couldn't help but feel excitement from merely being able to be near such powerful people; that excitement began fueling Rei's fighting spirit. [color=4682B4][b]"So this is Hell"[/b][/color] She surveyed her surroundings with her eyes, taking in the unknown sight with it leaving a deep impression on her long-term memory. It looked unexpectedly different from what she imagined, with the white blocks an' all. She found it interesting, paying much more attention than usual as her Captain gave his speech. Nodding at her Captain, Rei clung onto every word. [color=4682B4][i]'Togabito huh? Sounds like they're pretty damn weak willed to give up.'[/i][/color] Continuing to listen, she pointed her eyesight in the direction of the newly discovered Kushanada. [color=4682B4][i]'What in the shit is that?!'[/i][/color] Kenshin obviously just told her and had taught her a little about them before, but her eyes still couldn't get a grasp on the appearance of the thing. [color=4682B4][b]"That weird looking giant skeleton thing is a keeper of Hell? Heh, they must be tough then, I'd like to see one of them fuckers try to eat me!"[/b][/color] She grinned once more as she watched one on their patrol. The group seemed to have caught some unwanted attention; Rei vaguely hoped that it wasn't due to her loud voice. Kenshin saw this and began his preparation, lending Rei some of his reiatsu for protection. She couldn't help but feel unstoppable with the Kenpachi's energy, raising her own reiatsu to add to the loaned power she possessed. [color=4682B4][i]'This is Fucking Awesome'[/i][/color] Gladly following her Captain's orders, Rei drew her sword while hosting her own bloodthirsty grin across her lips. It was about time to fuck some shit up! Captain Ungai then spoke up, lending her some advice at which she nodded and returned his friendly smile with one of her own. [b][color=4682B4]"Yes Captain!"[/color][/b] Rei spoke in acceptance of her orders, feeling more than railed up and ready for action. [@KillBox][@ProPro]