[i]Collab with [@Spoopy Scary][/i] Off in a dusty corner of the tavern everyone was enjoying, Berich sat; alone, stiff, tense. He didn't want to create too big of a presence for himself in the town. He still wasn't sure if an Empire sot was going around asking for the "short, weasel-like man with a missing finger and scarred face". And, sadly, Berich was sure that his new companions would turn on him the moment they found out the truth about him. These past few days, the sense of excitement had died down for Berich. He wanted his old life back. He was homesick, craving for anything to remind him of the Imperial City. Berich glanced to his right, where Finch was sitting. Under normal circumstances, Berich would never entertain the thought of talking to the begger. But that link, however distant, prodded him to say what was on his mind. "Finch, eh? That your name?" Berich started. He was sure what he was about to say would make him look a fool. "It's probably a coincidence, but back in the Imperial City I worked with a woman named Finch. She was one of my mentors, when I was just starting at the bank. Queer name, can't be many who share it. But... the world's a big place, I suppose. Forget I mentioned it." Finch looked up curiously to see the merchant man fill in the gap that Fiona left behind when she left to get another drink. Something about him rubbed him wrong - but that wasn't saying much, given his distrust of the whole party. He may have grown mildly - [i]mildly[/i] - accustomed to their quirks, but he still didn't trust that they'd have his back as soon as the Nine Divines decided to leave him for dead. This Berich, however, said something curious. He mentioned the Imperial City, his true home, and a woman sharing the same name as he did. The beggar, even as tired and exhausted as was from the long trip (as could be seen from the bags that were just started to develop below his eyes), immediately had his rapt attention captured. "Oh... is that right?" Finch replied. "My mother's name was Alessia, after the Saint herself. She was an estate agent for the city..." The young man's tone went solemn at the memory of his family. He looked back up expectingly at Berich, wondering if the name would ring any bells inside the merchant's head. "Alessia! Yes, that was her name. I learned mortages in part from watching her work; how to sell them, how to convince someone to buy one. Yes, she was good at her job." [[i]Not as good as me,[/i] Berich thought, [i]but he doesn't need to know that[/i]. "She moved, though, did she not? What... what happened to you?" [i]How did you become a hobo[/i] was what Berich wanted to say, but he decided to use more tact. Finch smiled at the mentioning of his mother, and how wild it was to find someone who knew her in a place like this, suffering the same situation... But it was also bittersweet. He didn't part with them on the best note. "She was married to Cassius Finch," Finch said, "he was promoted to commander after leading a strike on a Dominion settlement by the Gold Coast. He was called away to Daggerfall after that, and... we wanted to come with him." The young beggar's eyes looked as though they were starting to get red. It wasn't an easy subject for him and wasn't entirely sure why he was spilling his guts to this strange man, especially one who had been rubbing him the wrong way just prior. He supposed it was because he was the closest to a familiar thing there was, and that Finch has been holding this in for too long. He felt his temper flaring up as he thought about his next answer. "The... the Dominion wanted revenge." Finch spat angrily. "I guess! They took them both. Nobody in High Rock cared that [i]Commander Finch[/i] was my dad, so I never got to go home." "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. The Dominion... yeah." Berich thought back to all of the information he had passed along to the Thalmor over the years, from insider tips into the Imperial City financial district to schedules, locations, and habits of people of interest of people he did business with. [i]Forget it, Berich, you won't find anyone here who would understand you. It was foolish to try.[/i] "Excuse me, I have to go," Berich muttered before quickly leaving the tavern. He needed a moment alone, away from the rest.