Man, you guys are all ballers. [@Fox Fable] Sorry for the confusion. Yeah Reign and I collabed and I had Lana go with Trigger to get her off the playing field. I should have probably made an OOC note. She's gone now, wherever Trigger and Jackie are. And yeah I'll get started on that playlist soon here. PM me your song selections or post them here and tag me. PM is probably easier to keep track of for me, but you can always post them here too. I'm never gonna say no to a good dance party. IC post, I think we're just waiting for [@vietmyke] and [@zorogami] [quote=@R31GN] Bow chicka bow wow [/quote] [quote=@Fox Fable] Cheeky. XD [/quote] Easy you two. Hands where I can see 'em. XD It's interesting to notice that no one has gone for the kill yet on Knuckles and Pyschic Hipster. I mean they're getting attacked by wasps, Trigger punched one of them I think, and they aren't feeling good. But still. ^^