Lance's eyes almost grew wide at hearing the Angel's words [i]"So, what's the other side of the story then?"[/i] Though despite this a small smile appeared on his face. [color=39b54a]"So it's true... she's one of the anomalies."[/color] Irvine mumbled in a barely eligible low tone. He turned to look to Irvine and shrugged before turning back to the Angel. [color=39b54a]"You're the first to ever ask, there's something different about you, more than just being an angel eh?"[/color] Lance pointed out before continuing. [color=39b54a]"It's essentially the same story, with some minor alterations. After all we've heard his side by others before, oh but not his."[/color] Lance motioned to Akira's unconcious body. [color=39b54a]"The other ones. I assume you've heard the story about the village of people we killed to get to him. Well it didn't quite go the way that story tells it."[/color] Lance frowns before continuing. [color=39b54a]"But, although I hate to admit it, it does keep him in check. You can't tell him what I tell you, Volkrans stability depends on it. He needs to believe he is someone he's not. Anyway what hap-..."[/color] Lance cuts himself off as a sounded echo'd down the stone corridor towards them. The sound could easily be identified the sound of palms colliding in a slow applause. [color=ed1c24]"Bravo! Bravo!"[/color] Hades called out as his footsteps came into earshot. [color=ed1c24]"Oh I'm sorry, did I arrive to soon?"[/color] The man asked with a small smile on his face. [color=ed1c24]"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, Allura. The three of you are no more Akira's friends than I am his enemy."[/color] [color=39b54a]"Interesting choice of words ancestor!"[/color] Lance shouted back down the hallway as Hades continued to approach. [color=ed1c24]"I didn't realise the obvious was ever interesting. Though, I'm willing to forgive Allura's... swaying. I'm sure she has a lot on her mind."[/color] A growing hostility was definitely growing between the men as Lance moved to stand between Allura and Hades resting his hand on the hilt. [color=39b54a]"I'll not let you poison her mind too!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Likewise..."[/color] The undead warrior clicked his fingers and the floor beneath Allura and Akira would appear like a whirlpool as the portal opens beneath them. [color=ed1c24]"Wake up Akira! Allura keep him safe!"[/color] By the time the Shadow Hunters had realised what was happening it was too late to stop it as the outer edges of the portal acted like a barrier. Lance would realise this as he tries to grab Allura's arm and his hand is instantly repelled. With a heavy sign, the hunter bows his head softly to her. He knew that trying to speak to her now would be useless, he turned to face Hades unsheathing his sword with one hand as he clenched the bladed of the unprotected dagger once more. A voice would ring within Allura's head before the portal would swallow the pair. [i][color=39b54a]"Do not trust the robed warrior. Until we meet again, farewell."[/color][/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akira having regained consciousness blinked several times as the area around him seemed to distort as the portal transported them. It would be fair to say for him, it wasn't a pleasant experience. Seeing Allura he tries to reach for her hand, but his finger tips merely stroke hers as she remains out of reach. The portal reopens again in a room clad with wooden walls, a man stood over by the doorway behind a podium with a rusty bucket at his feet. [color=f26522]"Been a while 'ince I last 'een travelling folk enter 'own here."[/color] He says as he casually glances over to the pair as if how they'd reached this room was completely normal. Akira looked at Allura, his skin had turned a pale white as though he was about to keel over. He grunted as he forcefully kept his mouth shut. [color=f26522]"oh dear, hold on boy."[/color] The man grabbed the bucket at his feet and hobbled over quickly shoving it into Akira's arms. [color=f26522]"Missus, 'eems ta have a 'tronger belly than ya."[/color] Akira ignored the man as he turned away, spitting out into the bucket as he fought back against his curdling stomach. [color=f26522]"be needing ya names for the register."[/color] "Akira... Shadow." Akira had spoken without thinking. But all that happened. [color=f26522]"And miss?"[/color] The man turned to Allura completely ignorant of the name of a man wanted by one of the largest hunters guilds in the realm. After getting their names the man walked back to the podium, flicking through pages of a dusty tome and writing scruffily within.[color=f26522]"Well then 'elcome to Rashkin 'own of ta North. Inn to ta 'outh district. Shop's 'est, if ya lookin to work there a couple o' guilds to ta east."[/color] He smiled to the pair revealing the many gaps that were once teeth, though judging from the looks there'd be even more of those gaps soon. Before them was an oak door, and beyond that would be a vibrant location that both had yet to ever see in their travels.