[hider=Dirk Messir] [b]Name[/b]: Dirk Messir [b]Epithet[/b]: [color=000000]"Black Hood"[/color] Dirk [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://rs753.pbsrc.com/albums/xx178/zexionfangirl66/Decorated%20images/L.jpg~c200[/img] [b]Height/Weight[/b]: 190 cm (6' 3"), 63 kg (139 lbs) [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Personality[/b]: The primary facet of Dirk's personality is that he's... not quite right in the head. A lifetime of abuse has left him somewhat unstable - whilst he may tend toward intense stares and quiet whispers in public, and polite, reserved, even meek behaviour around those he considers his superiors, the mildest of provocation can set off a barrage of verbal slander against whoever has incited it- or it might not, depending on his mood- and even his thought patterns are somewhat warped, leading him to believe strange things and act in manners which, whilst not strictly unpredictable for those who know him well, are nevertheless absurd to behold. Most notably, he believes that he exists to fulfill some form of Divine Purpose, the exact specifics of which have yet to be realised by him, but he's quite sure he'll be able to figure it out soon now he's got some free time to do so. That said, he does hold two truths of a more rational nature close to his heart: he misses his family, and he despises slavers, in particular the World Government officials who held him captive for the past several years. However, he avoids and almost fears direct conflict, having had the notion that resistance is useless beaten into him repeatedly, and so will not pursue either of these unless he can do so in a relatively safe manner, under which circumstances he will likely attempt to do so heedless of any pre-existing plans unless a very good reason why he shouldn't presents itself. Extrapolating from these, he also holds the bonds between family members to be sacred, and finds himself sickened at even the thought of their twisting for indecent purposes, such as parents abusing their children, or indeed of being broken entirely through separation of otherwise healthy relationships; it therefore stands that, in his mind, selling a child into slavery away from their parents is the most disgusting thing a person can do above all else, and he has decided in advance that if he ever finds somebody who does this, he will not rest until they lie dead at his feet, no matter how many people he has to sneak around to get to them. [b]Home Island/Sea[/b]: Loguetown, Polestar Islands, East Blue [hider=History] Dirk was born into slavery. It has been his whole life, and indeed his parent's lives too, and so in a way, it shaped his being before he was even born. Whilst his parents were kind enough, and their master not needlessly cruel, there was rarely time for Dirk to interact with his family growing up between the demands brought upon them and the dressing of wounds granted to them as the punishment for failure, and so he found himself cherishing every moment he had with them even as the lack thereof affected his development, especially once a baby sister was born to them five years after his own birth. By the age of seven, he was considered old enough to start working alongside the few other child slaves in his master's employ... and yet, for some reason, he was never put to work in this manner. Indeed, whenever he tried to join his fellows, the guards in his owner's employ deliberately stopped him from doing so, citing that he had another purpose than whatever the other slaves did; this, combined with later events, shaped a personal belief that he was in some way divinely blessed, and that he was intended to fulfill some great task that only he was capable of. In fact, the "purpose" the guards spoke of was something else entirely. At the age of ten, he was abruptly wrenched from his family's arms, screaming and crying the whole time, and sold off to a new master, who he would later learn was the head of a noble family, and a moderately high-level official in the World Government - nothing like one of the fabled Celestial Dragons, but as horrifically callous as them nonetheless, and certainly far more awful than his previous master, particularly in combination with the spiteful actions of the man's other family members whenever they laid eyes upon him, though Dirk knew not the reason for their particular disgust of him. He was isolated from others for days at a time, subjected to brutal treatments intended to shape him in ways that would make him absolutely subservient to his "divine father", and for the slightest deviation from protocol- generally in the form of yet another attempt to hide from his captors and escape the horrors he was subjected to- he would be placed into an arena with an expert in the Six Styles, whom Dirk only ever knew as "The Battler". The Battler would promptly injure Dirk in a myriad of ways, generally leaving him unconscious or even near the point of death, before some other slave was dragged in and, through means Dirk remains unsure of to this day, forced to somehow grow out and use her own flesh to seamlessly knit together his, leaving it as unmarked as the day he was born. Naturally, this was a far more traumatic period in his life than his early childhood had been, and the brainwashing he was put through was instrumental in warping his mind to its current state. The intended result, however, was not achieved. When he was twenty two, Dirk was called into his owner's bedchambers, and told that his true purpose was to act as a pleasure slave for the government official, having supposedly been moulded to possess a boyish, yet feminine charm about his person, both in physique and in mannerisms, or so the man claimed. Being uneducated in the ways of any sort of sexuality, Dirk wasn't actually sure what any of that meant; it became far more clear when the patriarch ordered Dirk to strip and get on the bed, and clearer still when he attempted to strip the boy himself after a confused refusal to comply. Dirk fought back with poor bastardisations of the very techniques he had been subjected by the Battler to over the years, and though they were ineffective by comparison, they did enough to knock his owner down on to one of his own fallen gold ornaments, cracking the official's skull open, and promptly causing him to expire. At first, Dirk was ecstatic about this turn of events. Finally, he was free to do as he would! Or so he thought, until it occurred to him that maybe ownership would just pass on to the patriarch's next of kin, and that given how spiteful they were to him usually, they might well just have him murdered for this turn of events. And that wouldn't do. He had a Divine Purpose to fulfill, after all. With this in mind, Dirk fled the room, finding his way through the halls of the building, and for the first time managed to do so almost seamlessly, his escape aided by the capacity for stealth he had unwittingly honed over countless escape attempts, as well as a coincidental ruckus on the other side of the building caused by the Battler over a sudden loss of employment now that Dirk was "fully trained". The ex-slave's pathfinding skills were not so well-honed, though, and after a series of bad turns, he found himself trapped, hiding in a room near his ex-master's son and a travelling merchant, selling a strange spiral-covered fruit, bright yellow-grey and shaped like a strangely-conical strawberry, that supposedly granted its consumer incredible power, but spoke to Dirk specifically of extreme wealth: previously the son's, now the merchant's, and, if Dirk could snatch the fruit and sell it on himself, soon to be his. The purchase was concluded, and the buyer foolishly declined to eat the fruit immediately, instead taking it to a nearby kitchen and leaving it covered up for later consumption. Dirk tailed him from the shadows, squirreled away the fruit and a sharp kitchen knife at his first opportunity to do so without being caught, and tried once again to find his way out. This time, he succeeded. He soon found himself outside his owner's mansion for the first time in twelve years, and made his way to nearby Loguetown with nothing more than rags on his back, a comparatively pitiful weapon in his hands, and a seemingly-priceless Devil Fruit hidden within his clothing; luck led him to a nearby clothing store, and the owner, after figuring out roughly what Dirk's story was, commiserated with him about his past and the heedless ruin that the World Government brought to those like Dirk, before giving him free pick of a few items in his store, plus the advice that perhaps the Devil Fruit in his possession shouldn't be shown off freely, and that maybe he should leave Loguetown as soon as possible if he wanted to continue enjoying his stint as a free man. Which brings us to current events... [/hider] [b]Fruit[/b]: No powers of his own, though he does have a Devil Fruit of an unknown sort in his possession. [b]Abilities/Racial Traits[/b]: [i]Tough Nut[/i] - Many years of torture and physical shaping over time have left Dirk somewhat more difficult to harm than might be expected, and insensitive to pain regardless, meaning he is unlikely to care very much about blunt force blows unless they deal significant damage. That said, he does not possess the muscle to go along with his toughness, being less capable of injuring people very well than one might anticipate even for having been a slave. [i]Stealth[/i] - In stark contrast to his lacking martial skill, Dirk is shockingly capable of disappearing when he wishes to, being more than capable of maneuvering around trained guards, dissolving into crowds, and sneaking up on people without their noticing. Most impressively, he seems to perform these feats almost by instinct, and yet he tends to disavow any claims that he is actually good at stealth, instead suggesting that his Divine Purpose is what has kept him alive and well in that sort of situation. [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Having been subjected to the Six Styles martial art across the span of his enslavement, Dirk claims to now be a master at it. In truth, he knows [i]of[/i] the techniques, and has a rough idea of how they're performed, but does not have the physical power to even begin performing most of them correctly, nor does he presently have the sort of mindset needed to train for them on account of his long history of being stepped upon; thus, most of his "techniques" are just normal things humans can do, like punching, kicking, dodging, climbing things, and cheap shots where he can get them in. Indeed, he desperately avoids having to resort to direct combat unless he can't help it, and even then prefers to try and use others as meatshields until he can slip behind a target and backstab them if at all possible. [i]Kami-E[/i] - Surprisingly, Dirk is capable of actually utilising one aspect of Rokushiki effectively: Kami-E is intended to make the user's body go limp, and thus avoid attacks instinctively, like a piece of paper in the wind, and Dirk has unexpectedly succeeded in honing this technique to help him avoid the Battler's attacks, amongst other forms of torture over the years. Combined with his physical resilience, he becomes surprisingly difficult to put down in the rare situations where he is actually forced to engage in a fair fight. [b]Ship Positions[/b]: First Mate of the [color=ed1c24]Red Hood Pirates[/color] [b]Bounty[/b]: 100,250,000 Beli; having acquired a bounty of 100,000,000 Beli prior to even entering the Grand Line, let alone the New World, Dirk is considered a [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Super_Rookie]Super Rookie, or Supernova,[/url] and is therefore an extremely high-priority target amongst those who know of him. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Yuushuu Yuudaina (NPC)] [b]Name[/b]: Yuushuu Yuudaina [hider=Appearance ] [img]http://img00.deviantart.net/a26d/i/2013/305/3/d/marine_one_piece_by_ninfanocturna-d6sl8sp.jpg[/img] The above image was roughly accurate so far as physical appearance went a few years back, though by now Yuudaina is more tanned and tends to be more clean-shaven than the depicted individual. Similarly, his uniform is a lot more formal: he dresses in a simple white suit with cyan trim and tie and black shoes, plus the standard JUSTICE jacket worn over his shoulders like a cape and steel gauntlets like those of a knight on each hand, extending up to his elbow and with spikes on each knuckle. [/hider] [b]Height/Weight[/b]: 208 cm (6' 10"), 122 kg (265 lbs) [b]Age[/b]: 33 [b]Personality[/b]: Despite a fair amount of pampering, as one might expect of somebody born into a Noble family, Yuudaina's personality is heavily drawn from his time spent in the Marines. He values order and calm above most other traits, and is extremely good at remaining focused and rational in high-stress situations, a definite contributor to his rapid rise through the ranks of the Marines. Naturally, he is also a firm believer in the concept of Justice, though in his case, he stands by the notion that said Justice should only be Absolute if the target has done something irredeemably evil, such as raping or murdering an innocent living being; in these cases, he will often push to kill the target as quickly as possible, or at least to subdue them for imprisonment and ideally execution, but if the point of no return has not been crossed, he may well choose to let a pirate go free if they show signs of goodness in their actions, e.g. having redirected money stolen from a bad person toward a more charitable purpose. Still, he has found such cases to be few and far between, and his general dislike of pirates is quite justifiable given what he's seen of their sort. [b]Home Island/Sea[/b]: Loguetown, Polestar Islands, East Blue [b]History[/b]: [CLASSIFIED] [b]Fruit[/b]: Yuudaina himself does not wield any Devil Fruit of his own, citing a desire to remain capable of swimming and ignoring the draining effects of Seastone, for in his mind, only the finest and most powerful of Devil Fruits could offset that disadvantage. However, his weapon, [i]Idaina Ken,[/i] has been "fed" the [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Buki_Buki_no_Mi]Arms-Arms Fruit,[/url] letting it transform from a basic, if oversized and well-crafted, Marine cutlass into just about any weapon Yuudaina desires, ranging from axes to hammers to other types of sword to rifles and even gatling cannons, complete with ammunition in the case of any projectile weapons produced. He has even "taught" the sword to be capable of splitting into two weapons of smaller (though still somewhat larger than usual) size, letting him dual wield weapons such as rapiers, pistols, rifles... really, any weapon he could produce normally, the primary difference simply being size and number, though the form he usually keeps them in is that of a pair of spiked steel gauntlets, as this grants him very easy access to a weapon in either hand at short notice if he is attacked unexpectedly. Furthermore, the nature of the Arms-Arms Fruit is such that with every transformation, any material separated from [i]Idaina Ken[/i] regathers at the transforming weapon itself, be it projectiles fired or shards of a blade, making it shockingly difficult to destroy for a Paramecia "user" without specialised equipment or abilities, or else by simply vaporising the whole thing. [b]Abilities/Race Traits[/b]: [i]Leadership[/i] - Yuudaina is a consummate military leader, and highly capable in situations involving the maneuvering of manifold troops. Furthermore, he understands the value of setting a good example, and will often wade into the fray himself to encourage his soldiers to do the same. [i]Multi-Form Combat[/i] - Thanks to substantial training and the Devil Fruit of his weapon, Yuudaina is extremely capable as a fighter with just about any weapon one can provide - be it blade, bludgeon or bomb, if he knows of it, there is a very good chance that he is at least competent in its use, and likely an expert at that. Furthermore, even without a weapon to hand, he is highly skilled in various forms of boxing, and to a lesser extent quite capable so far as various other forms of unarmed combat go. [i]Physical Power[/i] - Yuudaina's position is backed up by a great degree of physical power as well as skill: through raw strength alone, he is more than capable of lifting entire houses over his head or collapsing their structure down to the last brick with a single punch; he can readily run and strike faster than the eye can see; and his endurance is such that a cannonball to the face would feel more like a pinprick than anything else. [i]Haki[/i] - Yuudaina is very skilled in Busoshoku Haki, being capable of further augmenting his physical abilities by coating his hands and/or [i]Idaina Ken[/i] in it, to produce a much stronger attack that can even damage Logia-type Devil Fruit users. His Kenbunshoku Haki is nothing to sneeze at either, letting him predict attacks with plenty of time to avoid them if he so desires. As for Haoshoku Haki, if he possesses it, he is not aware of its existence yet. [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Yuudaina often prefers pummelling foes with his bare hands under normal circumstances, or rather with the gauntlets of [i]Idaina Ken[/i], as most opponents are not powerful enough to warrant any more extreme measures. Should a foe prove more significant, be known as a dangerous character to start with, or else be particularly desired as somebody to get rid of quickly, he will incorporate the full effects of his Busoshoku Haki and the manifold forms of [i]Idaina Ken[/i] into his form, proving to be a foe who is not only very strong, but also extremely difficult to predict, as the style of his combat constantly changes with whatever form his weapon has taken on at any given moment, be it one weapon or two. [b]Ship Positions[/b]: Marine Commodore [b]Bounty[/b]: N/A [/hider]