[center][hider=Appearance][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/8dd4/f/2016/109/f/8/will_o__the_wisp_by_cobaltplasma-d9zhzfl.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Fenix Species: Will-o-Wisp Origin: Born from Neglect Abilities: Fenix can speak, unlike most Will-o-Wisps. He can also take control of small animals and creatures, but it takes a great deal of energy, so he can only do it when he is feeling particularily well. Weapons: Itself, for it is rather hot. It can soar at people or things, usually ending in a decent burn. Limitations: Since it is very hot, it can be dispelled with any sort of cold liquid. While it won't necessarily be killed, it will be dimmed and nearly powerless. Also, as mentioned above, he has a limited amount of energy when taking control of another small being. Personality: Fenix is very up-beat and happy when he has enough energy, joking and acting very opptimistic. When he is low on energy, he gets very dark, irritated, and angry. Sometimes he realizes and tries to keep himself quiet, but other times he blows up. The angrier he gets the hotter he becomes, but the hotter he becomes, the less energy he has. When he loses enough energy, he fades into only a slight flicker and disappears for awhile.[/center]