[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1IOepF5.gif[/img] [color=b1d2f6][h2][b]Wesley Palmer[/b][/h2][/color] [sub][b][u]Interacting with:[/u][/b] Everyone. Addresses Professor Latour ([@Ace of flames01]) [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Busting his ass to get to the basement → basement.[/sub][/center] Wes might have been freaking out a little. He was late. [i]Ten minutes late.[/i] Okay, that didn't sound so bad, when one stopped and thought about it, but it was. This seemed pretty damn important, and it had been stressed to not be late. Wes was a sucker for following directions, unless he found something morally unsettling about them, and so he was a bit panicked as he darted towards the basement. Oh, what he would give to trade his ability of controlling sound waves for something like super speed, or teleportation. Teleportation would be really helpful right now. Stomach empty, heart racing, Wes just about levitated down the stairs towards the basement. He might have almost tripped in his haste, but he wasn't going to linger on that, since he hadn't face-planted into the floor. He was rarely late for things, especially things that Professor Latour himself told him to be present for, and so it wasn't surprising that Wes was jittery. He wasn't sure what he would be interrupting, even if he wasn't interrupting anything, he was going to feel bad regardless, and came through the doorway in quick succession, stopping a few feet from the entrance, and breathing a bit heavier from his rush. He looked a bit frazzled, rocking back on his heels and squeezing his hands together, playing with his fingers. He had missed the tension that just occurred, hadn't even heard it, and now his whole focus was directed at Professor Latour. Wes couldn't let something like this happen again; not only did he feel bad and jittery, he also felt embarrassed. Everyone else had been on time, and here he was, coming in out of breath and looking quite apologetic for it. He, apparently, hadn't noticed Peter leaning against the wall by the doorway, since he had zoomed in and barely glanced around before focusing on Professor Latour. "[color=b1d2f6]Professor, I am so, so, sorry. I shouldn't be this late but I just-[/color]" he paused in his quick sentence here, because well, the reason he had been late involved a cat. [i]A cat...[/i] that may or may not be in his room now. He really didn't want to be embarrassed by that fact on top of being scolded, because surely he would be. He quickly backtracked in his head. "[color=b1d2f6]There is no excuse for my tardiness and I am very sorry.[/color]" he finished lamely, eyes dropping to the floor as he gnawed on his bottom lip; he obviously felt very bad for being late, but that still didn't excuse the fact he was late.