[color=00aeef]"Then you know he is not one to take combat training likely. He never went easy on me even when I was a learner. Master Nim made sure I had a hard trainer so that I could reach the best I could possibly get. I'll let my training speak for itself though."[/color] Ken said as he made his way across the room at an even pace away from the two of them and clutched his lightsaber in his dominant right hand. [color=00aeef]"Though I am flattered to know that one of Zhar's prized pupils thinks so much from a simple man from Coruscant's temple. I'll do my best to show you what I can as I said. I recommend watching intently but not intensely. Focusing too hard on one thing leads you to forget other things around you. That's a friendly tip to both of you before we start."[/color] Ken said as he watched Alek step forward his lightsaber ignited. [color=00aeef]"For the sake of being on even grounds and preventing harm I have chosen not to use my own lightsaber. My blade is a curved hilt blade. A slight twitch of my hand can change blade direction. Something I'm sure you've not experienced with a standard hilt like this training saber."[/color] Ken continued as he ignited his own blade. It's emerald green illuminated the sides of Ken's body. He felt uncomfortable with this blade. It was a drastic change from his standard blade and his spare saber was slimmer. Still Niman would afford him an advantage of not needing precise bladework that his second form Makashi would need him to do. Ken held his saber away from his body holding it at a steady angle facing away from his body. His other hand was held slightly away from his body. [color=00aeef]"I am ready come and face me Alek. And may the force be at your side."[/color] Ken said patiently as he awaited Alek to come at him. He knew what was coming. A strong offense. Guardians were tough and strong. Not as focused as Sentinels but more than ready for a head on fight. Ken however knew how to use Niman to dangerous effect. The reason he had practiced hard on it without a true master who knew it was because he knew of Exar Kun's talent with the style. A true master of Niman could defeat many foes. He was not a true master though but he was still competent.