Soft foot falls can be heard in this large snowy area, the sky seemed to suggest that a blizzard may come through at any moment. "Nggg...I did-didn't think it would be this cold..." a voice spoke he could see his exhaled breath in the cold frigid air. "I feel like...taking a nap..." he continued perhaps it was due to being alone at the moment but he was speaking his thoughts a loud without noticing.Perhaps he was doing so to distract himself from the state of the environment around him. He was told there was a city nearby and that there was a job for him inside, though being made in an area like this makes it difficult to locate. He began to see a dark figure in the distance, as he got closer he noticed it's shape becoming more and more larger. "I think...I found it" he said allowed noticing it has a large castle like structure.As he approached the entrance, a voice calls out. "Halt! " It said in an orderly manner with a small amount of hostility. And thus he stopped where he was, "What's your business here?" a different voice asked in a commanding manner,it sounded feminine. " I was told to come here, there's a job that was requested for me" He answered back. "I'll need to see your documents...standby I'll make my way towards you." the female voice spoke. It's figure could be seen emerging from the fog like snow field. She was wearing a kind of environment based winter armor and uniform. She carried a standard issue blade at her side. He assumed if they had fire arms,then the marksmen would be hidden somewhere else.He handed her the letter he carried mentioning the work as well as summoning his holographic-ly projected I.D. "Hmm.. Your clear to enter,try not to cause any problems." she said as the large gate opened. He entered the building and proceeded to go register his visitation, and to search for a map.30 minutes pass after obtaining the map as he heads towards the tavern where he was supposed to meet his current employer, little did he know that he was being observed.. -------------------------------------------------------------------