[hider=Edwina Fairfax / Lucifer][center][h1][color=#99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h1][hr] [IMG]http://31.media.tumblr.com/a255d8c46b7196f3737b5968dde4d56f/tumblr_mvgodhwLfE1rys6ebo1_500.gif[/IMG] [b]"[i]You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom.[/i]"[/b] -[b][i]Nicole Snyder[/i][/b][/center][hr] | [color=#99ccff][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Edwina Margaret Fairfax | [color=#99ccff][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | Eddie | [color=#99ccff][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Lucifer [i](as the name means Light Bringer)[/i] | [color=#99ccff][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | April 1st, 2002 | [color=#99ccff][b]Age[/b][/color] | 21 | [color=#99ccff][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=#99ccff][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Pansexual -- attracted to all // doesn't fixate on gender | [color=#99ccff][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Chaotic Good | [color=#99ccff][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Edwina has her ears pierced, though with her long red hair, it's very rare that anyone could take a glimpse at her piercings. On her left knee, she has a birthmark that she [i]insists[/i] look like cat ears, but no one else ever believes her about it. She has a small scar on her stomach, from when she had troubles with her appendix when she was younger. Otherwise, beyond freckles concealed by her makeup, Edwina is fairly normal. In general, her clothing looks like [url=http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/155358986/id/5FcIg5ng5BGO7I7b7EzHKw/size/y.jpg]this[/url]. She dresses a bit like a hipster, with cargo/denim style jackets over t-shirts from shows and rock concerts, large chunky headphones, and combat boots. She wears a pair of earrings that her mother gave her when she was young as well, though again, with her hair, no one can ever really glimpse at them. She likes to be comfortable -- but at the same time, she enjoys looking amazing. She wouldn't be out of place seen with a flannel shirt on top of the outfit instead of her jacket. | [color=#99ccff][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | Light Manipulation -- Edwina is able to manipulate and bend light in all its forms. Enhanced retinas -- Edwina's eyes are able to withstand greater amounts of light. She could stare at the sun without pain. | [color=#99ccff][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | On the basic level, manipulating light doesn't sound like an incredibly impressive thing. However, she does have the limitation of being unable to change the speed that light travels at -- light is always going to be going at roughly 3 x 10^8 meters per second. And since she isn't able to mess around with space-time, Edwina isn't able to do things such as speed herself up to the speed of light by changing the properties of light around her, for example. | [color=#99ccff][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | Edwina carries with her....[list] [*]A double sided mirror [*]A pair of stereotypical black sunglasses [*]An iPhone 5C [*]Black purse [*]Wallet: including IDs, debit cards, cash, etc etc [*]Apartment keys [*]Headphones, as well as back up earbuds [*]A light blue G2 pen[/list] | [color=#99ccff][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | Confident, Spunky, Uncompromising, Loyal, Nervous, Unforgiving, and Compassionate | [color=#99ccff][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Edwina comes off as pretty bold, but not reckless. She doesn't throw herself into the line of fire for no reason. While she will take the fall for her friends, she won't do so for a random stranger. Weighing the odds, Edwina would most likely choose to save herself, as long as she doesn't know the other person. She holds grudges and never forgets a transgression, to the point that anyone who crosses her will never be let back in again. Willing to be herself, Edwina can come off as quirky. However, her confidence and kindness for other people cause it to be endearing, with most people treating her affectionately. She's almost the "girl next door" type, only she holds fast to her ideals, and won't let anyone push her around. Her strength is in her ability to remain herself and stay true to her ideals, but also to her friends. Loyal to a fault, Edwina holds herself to a high standard of accountability for friends and family. Hurt someone she loves, and she will make you regret it. She also fancies that she's incredibly funny -- and most of the time, her highest class of humor comes from really bad puns. She isn't into guttural and mature humor. She enjoys plays on words, references to previous conversations, and so forth. Whether or not she's actually funny? It's highly debatable. Most would say that she isn't. | [color=#99ccff][b]Quirks[/b][/color] | Listening to music at inappropriate times Mishearing people's names during introductions Constantly fiddling with things | [color=#99ccff][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | Reading/attending plays Sketching pictures of fantasy creatures Arguing with people on the internet Fencing Attending Comic Conventions | [color=#99ccff][b]Likes[/b][/color] | Comics, Movies, TV, ect Plays Mint chocolate chip ice cream Bull dogs Swimming Night Anything retro Jeopardy style competitions Netflix | [color=#99ccff][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | Babies Cats Bugs Waking up in the morning Government obligations (taxes) Delays Spelling and grammar errors | [color=#99ccff][b]Fears[/b][/color] | Claustrophobia Blindness Snakes Santa Clause (at a younger age) | [color=#99ccff][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Born: Fall River, Massachusetts Resides In: Seattle, Washington | [color=#99ccff][b]Family[/b][/color] | Mother - Georgie Stynes-Fairfax. A 49 year old blonde woman, she works as a school principal. Harsh and with a no nonsense policy, she always was rather strict with her daughters. Father - John Fairfax. A 46 year old man who works in the shipping industry, John oversees product shipment for a paper company. As exciting as this may sound, he is the typical weary dad who can pass up no excuse to tell a dad joke or two. [url=http://img004.lazygirls.info/people/georgie_henley/georgie_henley_set10_13_FGcEhKy.sized.jpg]Sister[/url] - Eleanora, currently 15 years old. She hasn't shown any sign of powers, and their parents are rather glad. Having one daughter able to turn off all the lights in the house during a teenage moment was a complete handful. Eleanora is a fairly feisty girl like her sister, currently obsessed with robotics. | [color=#99ccff][b]History[/b][/color] | Edwina was born in Fall River, Massachusetts to a young couple with a rocky marriage. Her parents had gotten together in college, both of them ill suited for one another, neither able to admit it. They both craved the perfect American family. When she was six years old, her parents took Edwina to see Lizzie Borden's house, just a few blocks away from their home. Spending the night in the famed house, her parents woke up to Edwina screaming that the monsters were coming to get her. There was, of course, nothing there. No one quite knows what happened that night. Edwina insisted the next morning that a monster had attacked her, and her parents didn't believe her until Edwina screamed, and all of the lights went out. The next few weeks, more and more strange things happened. Reflections would appear where they shouldn't. Vague images of things in other rooms would appear, almost dancing, right before their eyes. The lights in the house would all go dark, without any cause for it. By the time she was seven, her parents finally admitted to themselves that something had indeed happened to Edwina. While they thought it was a genetic thing, that perhaps Edwina had some sort of odd DNA mutation, they always had a lingering suspicion that something indeed did happen to her in the supposedly haunted home. Fearing that they would be socially ostracized if anyone knew, they kept it quiet. They homeschooled Edwina until she was able to understand and process her powers -- or at least, keep it hidden. She entered public school just in time for high school, and that year, the school district had the lighting examined due to issues. After high school, Edwina went to the University of Washington for college. Studying physics, she specialized in the physics of light (optics, in particular). Understanding how her power worked, Edwina ended up getting a position at the university doing research. No one knew how she was able to get such fabulous results and data, with the light behaving properly in order to be able to analyze whatever variable they were looking into. However, Edwina feels an obligation to help people with her power. Seeing the massive changes to the world over the course of her (admittedly brief) life, she wants to be able to contribute and give back. It would also allow her to be able to use her powers freely, rather than hiding them in shame. She'd accept the call in a heartbeat. | [color=#99ccff][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Timezone: GMT -8 This is a High-Casual RP, so I suggest you bring your A-Game! [sub]Face Claim: Felicia Day[/sub][/hider]