The bluntness of the question caught Shay off guard. He blinked slowly, not taking his eyes off the road, partially out of safety concerns, partially because he felt part of him would wither and die under Vera's stare, and it took him a few moments, perhaps seconds too long, to reply. "Ah, no miss Vera. I have not. Never had luck with the lasses in school, and brothels never were a thing that interested me. I was in the war long long after I graduated, even lied about my age to enlist. Not long after the war, I came to England, and have been rather occupied trying to get my life together. A woman's never figured into my life, miss Vera. Not that I don't appreciate the company of women, and that is something I admit to desiring to some shame, but things just aren't so simple with me." he worked his jaw and fingers on the wheel, loosening them up. "It probably doesn't help I've had something of a crisis of faith the past few years. Please don't make it out that I'm a prude, that ain't it, begging your pardon, but... never mind. It's complicated." he said, shaking his head. This was among the most personal he'd gotten with anyone since he joined the gang, and it was an odd sensation talking about such personal matters with a woman he barely knew. "Look," he said, trying the words out and seeing what came out as the car bounced along the cobblestone streets. He had to downshift on account of a horse and buggy in the lane ahead. "I'm really sorry about my part in what got you into this mess. Sam asked me to keep an eye on you, and I'm not one to turn down a favour to the boys, especially when they're concerned about something. Sam's a good man. I just want you to know that as soon as you were safely in doors, that was the end of it, I never tried to invade your privacy. Just... tried to keep you from harm, is all."