[color=003471][h1]Bryson Anderson[/h1][/color] Interacting with: Christie [@Royzooka] Location: Xavier's Institute Basement[hr] Bryson listened as Francis gave the group their new teams. Grace, Christie, and their leader, Johnny. He looked around the room, trying to spot his teammates. It only now dawned on him that he didn't actually know who the other three members of his team were. Due to his tardiness, he missed the majority of the introductions, which must have included his teammates. He sat and waited for a minute, hoping that his teammates would come and find him before too long. Unfortunately, it would appear that he would have to be the one to initiate the first conversation. He glanced once more around the room. [color=003471][i]We need to find our teammates, Orion. We're looking for Grace, Christie, and... Jeremy? Is that what he said?[/i][/color] Bryson asked the two inside his head. He silently thanked whatever higher power for the ability to talk to others inside his head. He wouldn't have lived past the age of 10 if he weren't able to go to Corvus and Orion for guidance. [color=1b1464][i]"Go ask that old man over there if his name is Jeremy! We're sure that is him."[/i][/color] Corvus was able to mentally gesture to a man who he assumed was, well, Jeremy. [color=ed1c24][i]"You fool,"[/i][/color] Orion mentally said to Corvus, [color=ed1c24][i]"That is the professor. Bryson, we know that he is the professor, and we know who Will and Sophie are. That doesn't leave too many more options for our teammates. The odds of finding one of your teammates are in your favor if you approach one of the females."[/i][/color] Bryson, reassured by Orion's confidence, approached who he assumed was Christie. The girl looked only [i]slightly[/i] intimidating, with all the piercings scattered around her face, and the long, silver hair. Nevertheless, Bryson offered his hand. [color=003471]"Our name's Bryson. We're teammates, I think,"[/color] he said, already forgetting that he had introduced himself to the group only moments earlier.