While he spoke, he gave a great deal more than she had intended to hear. Not that that was a problem by any means, she wanted to know something, anything, about the man she would share his home with that night. What she found peculiar, was that, even in wartime, he had not found the solace or comfort of a woman, not even from the brothels. Not ever, quite frankly. She kept her gaze cemented on him, she could see how he gripped the wheel, how he worked his jaw, even how he shook his fingers loose to downgrade a gear. Did Sam know this? Is that why he had chosen Shay to look after her? For the fact that he had never lain with a woman? She found that impractical and assumed it went deeper than that. It was when Shay addressed the issue of him keeping his watch over her did it become clear the bond between Sam and Shay. A gentle flurry of snow began to dust the streets as she turned her face to gaze out the window, she contemplated the fullness of his words for some time before she found what she wanted to say. "Aye, my brother is a good man. That's why I question his intentions from time to time, it seems as if he is trying to conduct my life where it would not be needed. You see, Mr. Alden, Sammy and I were born in Liverpool, our father passed before either of us knew him. I think that my brother has tried to be the man that he imagined our father to be, noble, honest, and kind of heart. When he came back from the war... He was a changed man, through and through. I remember the days when Sam would smile, how he laughed, the way he would tease me, but now, it is as if his happiness has all but dried up. I know, deep in my heart that the only thing he cares about, is me. When we stayed in Liverpool, we lived with my Aut Eliza. After my mother moved us to London, we lost touch with her, so neither of us are sure if she is alive. We're all we have. Without me, he would have no one, and I the same. So please, you needn't apologize for doing as my brother asked. If anything, I find it rather endearing that he asked for help to keep an eye on me." Vera stopped talking to gain her bearings, her eyes flickering from store front to store front as she leaned forward on the bench before she saw a street sign. "Turn right up ahead at the cross street. You can take this road up for about another four streets before you'll make a left onto Clifton Ave, on the left side of the street will be a store called, Hobbs & Pollard Threads." "Sometimes, when something tragic happens in life, and you feel that you can tell no one, for the simple fear of stigmas, you choose to bottle up what you believe to be something you can control, by having the power of silence. I've learned my lesson well Mr. Alden, so I want to say thank you. Thank you for doing as my brother asked, and looking after me, regardless of what you witnessed me do. I am a woman with a deep pain, and I try to vanquish that pain through my own diabolical vices. Without you watching over me that night, I believe that I would not be alive today." Crystalline blue eyes flickered over to Shay, and she allowed herself once more, a small smile, though this one was not meant for joy, but rather remorse and self-pity.