YOU LIVE NEAR BANFF!?!?!? >.>' My company that I work for, they offer all expense paid trips, if you win a yearly contest, and for last year, we worked for the opportunity to win a trip to Banff! We missed it by half the points, but my boss and a good number of other people are going to be there next week! They'll be staying at that castle on Lake Louise! We're working on this year's trip to go to Spain, Italy, and France next year. I find this highly ironic! Besides that, I'm glad that you don't experience many wildfires! Last summer, all of Arizona's wildfires turned our skies hazy for weeks on end, you could hardly see the blue sky or the sun at times /: kinda makes me want to move to the Midwest, where all they get is psycho Mother Nature with her wishy-washy weather.