Name: Lei Wang Nickname: Suicide Gender: Male Nationality: Chinese Backstory: Born on Februrary 13, 1980, Lei Wang has been fighting his entire life. First, it was as a dock worker's kid in the rough parts of Jixi, Heilongjiang Province, then as a soldier in the People's Liberation Army, then as part of the Shenyang Military Region Special Forces Unit. He was considered for recruitment by X-Com, but wasn't able to join before the organization's defeat. Instead, he helped foster a rebellion in Northern China. The Resistance was brutally put down in 2020, with Lei as the only survivor. Escaping into the Siberian Wilderness, he hid for fifteen years before being recruited for X-Com. General appearance: Pale skinned, heavily scarred, Sharp features, greying hair Attitude: Unhinged, Blood thirsty, extremely polite, creepy. Class: Ranger Subclass: Assault Other: I'm not sure how I even came up with this guy.