It had been a year, a year since the Doctor had last seen Rose, a year since he had dropped her off home and then disappeared. He had not meant to go missing, But the TARDIS had started going crazy and he was drawn in a direction he shouldn't have been. He knew that Rose would be angry, he had thought she would have liked time with her family for a bit. Though not a year, Never a year, he had meant to come back for her the day after he had dropped her off. He knew Jackie might slap him. He was sighing as he leant on the console. He missed Rose, he knew that she was going to be rather upset. He had to be ready to face that. He knew the TARDIS was damaged and needed time to repair. He had barely got it working enough to get out of the situation he had been. He just hoped the TARDIS could make it to Rose's place, or at least London. He was flicking the controls, he coughed because of the smoke coming from the console. "Come on... old girl." he urged. He was worn out, but rest would have to come later. The TARDIS span out of control and crashed in Rose's street, The Doctor was thrown off his feet. He groaned as he was laying on the floor of the ship. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He was looking at his damaged ship. He was sure that it was going to take her a few days or so to repair. He looked around sighing. The smoke wasn't good for his lungs. He gets out of the ship and gasped a bit and closes the door. He stroked the door. "I'll be back."