[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LmNjZjBlZS5SMkZ5Y21WMElGSnZaMlZ5Y3csLC4wAAAAAAAA/cagliostro.regular.png[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/87ccf40cf419d4c4583f1d762c082f44/tumblr_inline_nm9a9wdpZg1rifr4k.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cccccc]⌘[/color] [color=ccf0ee]⌘[/color] [color=#cccccc]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [color=#cccccc]Between everything from being incredibly crowded and the shock of seeing an old friend, the only thing Garret caught onto: that kid could talk for the entirety of this group and then some. Garret narrowed his eyes, letting Nick slide off of him as his eyes roamed Will's face. Everyone around continued speaking, volume a steady beat in his ears. Politeness took over his mind, at this point, even if the look on his face spoke louder than his actual thoughts. Without having accessed the data files on any of his peers (nor wanting to; what was the challenge in reading dossiers? Getting the taste of wine out of your mouth?) Garret relied entirely on his own perception to figure out the people around him. That, of course, wouldn't take a few moments - those things took lengthy amounts of time. However, if Garret learned anything, patience held priority over everything else. Once everyone pitched down and the Quinjet slowed it's course, Garret tilted his head to observe the kid in front of him. "[color=ccf0ee]Stark's got a lot of photos, kiddo,[/color]" Garret said. His brow arched and he folded his arms over his chest, "[color=ccf0ee]You've gotta be more specific.[/color]" Of course, Garret didn't actually know what Stark held on any of his files; he hadn't taken to Stark like he had any of the other residents of Stark Tower. Didn't mean he didn't like the man, it just meant he didn't find a passion in the things Stark did. And Clint had Lucky, so, that decision had been obvious. Poised to continue speaking, Garret found himself clamping his mouth shut again at the sight of one of the other passengers staring intently at him. At least she tried to be subtle - Garret didn't appreciate prying, especially when it came in the form of loud yelling. Even though Will's normal voice didn't actually reach a higher decibel than the others, Garret couldn't help but hear a constant crescendo when he opened his mouth. Didn't need to say anything, just needed to part his lips and suddenly white noise. Garret shook his head and returned his focus to the girl, Angel? He didn't feel like asking out of simple embarrassment. "[color=ccf0ee]Do I have something on my... face?[/color]" once he noticed her eyes dart to the door as soon as he brought her ogling to attention and he slowly followed. His nostrils flared almost immediately. Alright, so Clint Eastwood and the original [i]True Grit[/i] did absolutely nothing to prepare him for the moment an actual, real life cowboy decided he wanted to kill everyone with his freckled, sun kissed face and a hardy, 'Howdy'-doo. Of course, Nick chose that moment to goad him on and Garret took an elbow to Nick's ribs, hard and relentless. He hissed while Nick beckoned the guy over, "[color=ccf0ee]I'm not blind, asswipe-[/color]" Garret interrupted himself to say, "[color=ccf0ee]Howdee-uh... hi![/color]" After ten or so breaths and numerous times resisting tucking his knees into himself and laughing all giddy like, Garret turned toward their new arrival. Once Rain introduced herself - sometimes he really wished he could just be an asshole for once, however, he knew Rain didn't deserve that - Garret stuck out his hand, slow, in order to rain himself in, and flicked it up to reveal the red tinged face of their resident cowboy. "[color=ccf0ee]I love that accent,[/color]" Garret offered, soft and almost to himself, "[color=ccf0ee]is it Texan? It's gotta be a little to the west of Georgia; that accent's got a Doc Holliday quality to it, ey, Huckleberry?[/color]"[/color] [center][hr][color=ff7e7a]⌘[/color] [color=ccf0ee]⌘[/color] [color=ff7e7a]⌘[/color][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmZmN2U3YS5UV0ZuYm5WeklFWnZjM1JsY2csLC4w/questrial.regular.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/548f7ad1d1a4517dec94b86f845c0068/tumblr_nwbtn4wbYP1rwgnuio1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/dd745cb362a8dc53b7227ae6957f3d67/tumblr_nwbtn4wbYP1rwgnuio2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/6dc30f59c563ce2fce52b0e6d26fe509/tumblr_nwbtn4wbYP1rwgnuio6_250.gif[/img] [hr][color=#cccccc]⌘[/color] [color=ff7e7a]⌘[/color] [color=#cccccc]⌘[/color][hr][/center] [color=#cccccc]"[i]You have everything you need?[/i]" like any mother still trying to grasp her son leaving the nest, Jane Foster fussed every ever bit of Magnus' she could get her flustered hands on. This happened to be the collar his outfit, tugging the leather toward her in vain. "[i]Are you sure it's a good idea to wear full leather and plate armor on your first day of school - Jesus,[/i]" Jane said it, finally acknowledged it, "[i]This is your first day of any kind of formal education. You just bypassed twelve entire grades. This should be kindergarten. Oh my God, I'm freaking out. I'm hyperventilating. I don't hyperventilate. I don't panic. I get control of my feelings and... and... and...[/i]" "[i]Whoa, Odinsdottir-in-law is going timber. Catch her, kid! I got the brown bag of shame[/i]," Darcy timed her arrival perfectly, said paper bag in her hand. Magnus eyed it wary while he assisted his mother in standing. She shrugged, "[i]I figured she'd go into frantic mom-mode. I've seen this happen before. Granted, I was a baby and it was my own mom, but same difference.[/i]" "[color=ff7e7a]I don't think that means anything.[/color]" "[i]It's a saying, Mags. Look it up,[/i]" Darcy came with her retort immediately while shoving the paper bag into Jane's chest. Any time she told him to look something up, Darcy usually meant it. Magnus took the words to heart and shifted his mother's weight onto one arm as he fished his phone out. Darcy's eyes followed the gesture and it took a moment before she realized what was happening. "[i]Oh, my God. Don't actually-[/i]" her own huff interrupted herself and she took Jane from Magnus arms while she breathed deep, "[i]You're going to be late. I've got Little House on the Prairie.[/i]" Magnus narrowed his eyes a second time and he opened his mouth to speak only to be shoved forward. She didn't actually have the strength to move him, but he humored her when she wished to by aggressively physical in her motions. After taking nearly ten minutes to frown down at the both of them, he took Darcy's second 'Shoo' seriously and turned to leave with his shield clasped to his back and his sword sheathed. The rolling bag his mother had stuffed full of an assortment of things, mostly clothes and sentimental objects, clattered down the steps of the RV as he made his way a safe distance from the vacation vehicle turned mobile science lab (that people likely mistook for a meth lab) To say his mother picked out the rolling bag would have been a misstep. Darcy had picked it out; Jane paid for it. Darcy loved Hello Kitty and he could tell she wanted him to love it too. Either that or she thought a big, tall demigod dragging a sizable Hello Kitty suitcase was hilarious. He assumed the latter held the truth, however, Magnus didn't doubt she also liked it enough to pick it out herself. Lucky for Magnus, he had his father's lack of embarrassment to account for. He didn't mind. He thought it was cute and it served its purpose while benefiting him aesthetically. So, when the jet finally touched down after Magnus found a stray log to sit upon and fiddle with the suitcase on his lap, he wasn't expecting the door to open to a nearly crowded room of kids. Or. Not kids. They looked too old to be kids but too young to be adults. That baffled him often and Magnus had to shake himself before standing and wheeling his suitcase onto the Quinjet. He stood in the middle of everyone, decked out in his armor with this helmet on tight. He shifted on his feet and secured the belt that held his holstered sword. Raising a gloved hand, Magnus greeted everyone in his unbelievably deep voice, "[color=ff7e7a]Hello.[/color]" And that's... that's all she wrote.[/color]