[hider=Various Mooks] Boberto - A joker who doesn't take his job seriously, Boberto is quite an interesting figure. He often says annoying things and is almost overenthusiastic about fighting, but he hides a darker past. He was once a fighter in the pits of Meereen under the name Arillos. He demonstrated his ability in the pits to Westerosi buyers (specifically, Lord Kyle Baratheon, second of his name), and has since then served as a member of the elite Stormguard. Luftum - A tall, serious fellow, Luftum is the type of person people don't want to mess with. He doesn't speak, which unnerves people until they discover his cut tongue and removed teeth. Luftum serves as the unofficial leader of the Stormguards, despite not being able to say a word. Rumors about him say that he's descended from a smaller noble family, and he neither confirms nor denies it (not that he would be able to even if he wanted). Sreas - The most off putting thing about Sreas is his smile. It's not a very odd smile in and of itself, but he's always wearing it. Even in the midst of combat, he would treat his enemies on the battlefield with a grin. The second most curious thing about him is his boots. Unlike the steel boots of many armoured knights, his is thick leather and wool, masking any noise. No one knows why he wears them, but it's suspected that he's the reason low level officers of the people's rebellion seem to die like flies late at night. Norman - Commander of the Storm's End garrison's cavalry division. Died to a swarm of angry peasants. Wallace - High Commander of the Storm's end garrison. Baelys "Targaryen" - He's a Targaryen claimant and that's all you need to know. Fen [/hider]