[centre][img]http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad306/Royzooka/Christie%20Rachel%20Marks%20Alt_zpsasndeymh.png[/img][/centre] [centre][img]http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad306/Royzooka/b599dbe5c79db572b9b26811bd03acc01_zpse7ftztso.jpg[/img][/centre] [centre][b]Location:[/b] Basement Training Facility [b]Interacting:[/b][@unfallenangel] Grace, [@LokiLeo789] Lucian and [@Chickn] Bryson[/centre] [hr] Christie smiled when Lucian made a reference to Medusa who turned people into stone. Clearly Lucian liked the ladies, he was such a flirt and the newbie liked it. Lucian also soon brought up how doubting one's powers were debilitating. [color=aba000]"Are you made from a bag of sugar because you are just as sweet? It is nice to know I will grow with other people like me, outside these walls it is a completely different story"[/color] the new mutant replied. Her fondness for Grace and Lucian increased somewhat but were yet far from being friends, however, she was sure it would only be a matter of time. "That must mean I am also a psychotic, half-witted, fear inducing young adult, it sounds rather silly when I say it, though," Christie said before Grace spoke up. It seemed Grace was just as reassuring as Lucian was which was a relief for Christie. When Grace said the following words Christie once again lit up like a Christmas tree. [color=004b80]"You can touch them if you want."[/color] Christie soon took her left hand and began to reach out though stopped before she touched them, her nails would surely cause some damaged if she touched Graces wonderful wings. Since she could not really control her nails and even imagine the damage she could do she had to think of another way. Her hair was no longer hardened and it looked naturally soft though odd coloured at the same time. [color=aba000]"Don't think I am weird Grace, it just safer,[/color]" Christie said before placing her face against Grace's wing gently. The newbie pulled her hair back just in case something were to happen, this prevented any harm towards Grace aka Typhoon. Her wings were soft as she felt the feather against her face, it was a strange feeling, not a bad one but a good one. The feeling made Christie feel safe, Grace at this moment had an impact on the newbie. Several feelings washed over L.V, a few of them she had not felt in a long time. Hairdusa felt lost and before she knew it got a little awkward as it seemed she was feeling Grace's wing a little too long. [color=aba000]"Huh, sorry about that"[/color] she said before blushing partly. By this point, Francis aka Ghost spoke up and it seemed teams had been decided, the newbie was with Grace, a smile crossed her face as she looked at her winged angel, she then looked over to Lucian before saying one final thing to him. [color=aba000]"Sorry handsome, looks like me and you aren't on the same team,"[/color] she said before giving him a wink. At this point, she wondered if she would freak Grace out when she did it to her, it was not something she could hide for too long and most of the time it had no meaning behind it. Her mind was soon back in focus when she saw one of the other mutants coming over, he seemed to offer his hand as he introduced himself to her. [color=aba000]"Hi Bryson, yes we are teammates. I am Christie, though I am sure you heard me earlier. I wonder if this makes us blue team or gold team?"[/color] Christie replied. A reference to how the X-Men did things back in the day. She even shook his hand carefully, time to time she could retract her nails enough to not hurt someone but as she was currently untrained she could not do it very much. It seemed she had not hurt him which was good and soon moved her hand away to no one could get hurt, a little paranoia became present. Grace soon spoke up once more, she also reassured they were in the same group and on top of that sounded like Grace was going to and was having fun. Grace also said her name again though all three at this time did so. Christie was excited to do some training, it would probably be nothing like Wolverine's training, Kitty aka Shadowcat told Christie of the famous assault course and training programmes he had. They had met in the outside world, she wanted her autograph and a chat began and ended when she was called away.