Thomas slowly approached the bar, At the time when he was close enough to hear the fight prevailing inside, flinched. "Certainly life in this city should be interesting", he thought while tying his horse to the sloop stood beside the inn . He saw that one of the participants fight fled and stood at the entrance smoking cigar, he looked like some kind of merchant. Close to him two persons were talking to each other, one of them looked like chinese, the other person was certainly woman. Thomas had nothing to Chinese people. McCree decided that he will approach him and check on what he sells there. He began to walk , and after a while saw that the man apparently sells cigars. Well, in the end one cigar doesn't make me a smoker" he thought . He spoke to the peddler , "Hello, how are today's sale? I'd be happy to buy something from You. It seems that you sell cigars. How much money one of them cost?". While waiting for the respond he peeked thought saloon window, inside the brawl was raging on. One of the brawlers just smashed bootle into another's one head, Second one almost thrown one of fighters throught the window. "I will certainly don't enter there". "So, what's the price?"