Chaos and thuds echoed through the edge of the forest on the east side. A small and frail stranger was running with an object in his hand, wrapped in cloth, traversing the woodlands and close to reaching an exit. An small army of soldiers armed with crossbows pikes and swords were waiting for him, a few on horseback. Behind him however a rampaging beast was behind him. Though the forest was dense trees would fall over at the wake of an unseen monster, its rage filled roars filling the entire woodland area. The running stranger had a pale face of panic as he continued to sprint to the army, who were already readying their weapons. The man breached the woods. "I have it!" He shouted and continued to run until he reached the very back of the army, the rest of them were all facing the mouth of the forest for the coming beast. Silence suddenly following, as if the beast disappeared entirely, no more trees were trampled over and no loud rapid footsteps or deafening roars came from the wilds. [img] [/img] [b][color=ed1c24]FAFNIR SIGURD[/color] [/b] After waiting a minute, I sprang fourth from the woods, my reptilian body tearing through trees as I landed upon a pike-armed man, the blade just missing my chest. My crocodilian eyes glared at the soldier as he cried for help. The crossbow units fired their bolts but despite their high quality projectiles they bounced off of my scales as if they were solid metal. As their attack failed I struck the man with a bite, speed of an adder and force of a gator, my massive snake-like head nearly having the whole man in my mouth, with only was legs and squirming arms sticking out. Lifting the squirming soldier off the ground id violently thrash my head about which causes my teeth and jaws to tear up the man even more so, screams of agony sent his fellow shoulders chills down their spines as an arm popped off and fell to the ground. My face stained with dripping blood as I swallowed the now lifeless and turn up body whole. My eyes watched the next action of the hardened warriors turning to cowards. One brave soul tried to jab at me with his pike but my tail whipped him before he can even see it coming, the force would shatter his chestplate and cripple his body, sending him flying across the field and into the dirt. While he wasn't dead he was paralyzed. I'd open my mouth, drenched with the blood of their comrade, as flames erupted from my mouth, consuming flanks of soldiers that were about to charge me. Afterwards I charge at the frail young stranger that was holding the wrapped object, who began to sprint off. Several survivors and those on horseback tried to stop me but I merely trampled over them like an elephant as I was moving far to fast to ever hope to be out-runned. I'd spit out a projectile of saliva, which landed on the man and screamed in pain. He writhed in the acidic saliva, his body showed little signs of errosion, but he was in agonizing pain nonetheless. Falling to the ground and dropping the object. [color=ed1c24]"Do not steal from me, tell that to those that sent you."[/color] An oddly human voice, unfitting for my monstrous form, came from me, to the strangers suprise. He would still try to rub off the saliva as he ran off to the nearest village. As he left, I morphed back to my mortal form, and picked up the wrapped object. My armor had already formed over my now human body.