[hider=Dallas Brett Relo/Apollo][center][color=6ecff6][h1]Dallas Relo, the Light that Never Dies[/h1][/color] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/GTDDrlk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/YtxHxjK.jpg[/IMG] [i]"I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world."[/i] -[b]Muhammad Ali[/b] [i]"He may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch."[/i] -[b]Franklin Delano Roosevelt[/b][/center] [center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=6ecff6][u]Name:[/u][/color] Dallas Brett Relo [color=6ecff6][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Dal, Son of the Sun, The Light that Never Dies, The Oakland A-Hole, "Miss Universe" [color=6ecff6][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] June 18th [color=6ecff6][u]Age:[/u][/color] 20 [color=6ecff6][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Male [color=6ecff6][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] Bisexual [center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=6ecff6][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] Dallas is young, tall and slim - at six foot even and one hundred and forty five pounds he tends to move around easily on his feet. There's a constant pulse of pure energy - Californian in nature, the kind of restlessness you can't find anywhere else on planet Earth - in everything he does, from sports to sleeping. That pulse lends itself to his exercise regimen - he has the body of a track and field athlete, with inexhaustible energy in his calves and quads, muscles in his triceps from heavy pull-ups, and a defined core. His upper body has improved considerably thanks to a hell of a regimen from his hardass buddy Jonas, and now combined with his powers Dallas can give as many hits as he can take. And he's stubborn and incorrigible enough to take a hell of a lot of hits. Though when he came to Olympus a couple years ago he sported a much longer, shaggier hairstyle, as he grew up Dallas decided he wanted to clean up some. This resulted in him shaving his hair to a close crop along the sides of his head and pomading the top, leaving a swoosh of dark-blonde hair, highlighted with black, across the top of his head and down to the nape of his neck. The trail of hair straddles the small tattoo of a shooting star behind his right ear. His only other tattoo is unable to be seen unless he's removing his shirt (one of his favorite pastimes) in which you can see the words "Jesus Wants [b]ME[/b] To Be His Sunbeam" in recruitment poster font across the center and right side of his chest. Dallas' face is the first thing that commands attention from newcomers. His eyes are a vivid and electric blue, though those who know him well will notice that there is a small ring of constantly-shimmering gold around his pupils - broadcasting whenever one of his powers is active. Much like his jaw, his nose is strong but pointed, with a small, pale scar cutting diagonally across the bridge - he has a similar cut and pattern across his forehead, stopping halfway through his right eyebrow. They are the only visible blemishes on his lightly tanned skin, and his smile means you always have something besides them to stare at; when he grins, his teeth are white and clean, a bit small but well-kept and even. When he's not smiling, he tends to be thinking of something to trick somebody into helping him do or listening to music. This latter activity, despite being one of his energy sources, is where you can often catch the fast-talking Son of the Sun at his most peaceful - indeed, vulnerable. His eyes will be half-lidded or closed entirely, he will bite down softly on his bottom lip, and he will almost appear to be napping. Disruption of this peaceful state - or calling it adorable - results in a flareup of defensive mockery that will continue until the sun is a dried up ball of coal that couldn't charge a lightbulb. [color=6ecff6][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color] Preferring to let his [color=6ecff6][i]~svelte frame and pretty face~[/i][/color] do the talking for him, Dallas' clothing style tends to be as glamorously casual as possible; he tries not to let his dresser fetter him too much, while still trying to extol a sense that he cares how he dresses. Usually he'll be found wearing - on warmer days - a button tee and shorts, though he tends to consider slim cut jeans an all-year staple of his wardrobe. In the winter months, he trades up his cool, unbuttoned tops for a higher neckline and more insulation - sweaters, colored in various shades of the six main primary and secondary colors, each to suit his mood that morning. In particularly cold weather, he'll put on a half-unzipped North Face. Tends to complete the look with no show socks and Supra high tops, laces pulled out. Accessories include one hemp bracelet on his right wrist and two on his left, an Oakland class ring on his right ring finger, and a St. Christopher medal from his Communion around his neck. Many a tooth has been chipped or a lip split by those who try to point out that his demigod heritage implies his Catholicism is a false faith. [center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=6ecff6][u]Quirks/Oddities/Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*]Dallas does not wink normally very often. More likely, to fuck around, he will wink with one eye, then its counterpart, and then wink with the first eye. This is often done when someone is in the middle of a sentence to disconcert them and has been known to work with beautiful, beautiful aplomb. [*]Dallas' favorite place to go in Olympus Academy is the gym. Despite aforementioned svelte frame, he does put a lot of work into his physical fitness and has been known to get particularly pouty if his gym time is cut into by some Greek bullshit that his dad would never actually care if he knew anyway. [*]Dallas discovered how to crack the barrier between Olympus Academy and the outside world during his first year, when he and Jonas were wondering what the hell was taking the Papa John's guy so long. Despite a volley of attempts to determine his method, Dallas has only breathed the secret to his most trusted capos, and is not expected to end his dalliances with the outside world on school nights any time soon. [*]Dallas currently has an arrest warrant out in the state of Utah for going 82 in a 55, obtained when he sped off from a cop last year in order to make the first day at Olympus. [*]Despite fervently claiming that he doesn't care about any of that [color=6ecff6]"Jap bullshit"[/color] and insisting that his friends [color=6ecff6]"talk to Dana if they want to get their kimonos in a knot about it,"[/color] Dallas has spent much of the summer binging a list of beginner level anime that his squad cobbled together for him. [s]It's not bad.[/s] [*]Despite fervently claiming that he has zero class and sophistication, Dallas is capable of cleaning up nice.[/list] [color=6ecff6][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Leadership [*]The squad [*]Television and movies [*]Music [alternative, hip-hop, dubstep, Top 40, 1950s and 60s girl groups, [s][b]singing[/b][/s]] [*]Athletics [[b]baseball[/b], track] [*]Cooking [*]Drinking [*]Laughing [*]Biting [*]Clawing [*]Pouting [*]Scratching [*]Speeding [*]You, sunshine [/list] [color=6ecff6][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Betrayal [*]Prejudice [*]Prudishness [*]Cheat days [*]Superiority complexes [*]Music [[b]Country[/b]] [*]Rockhold [*]Seahawks [*]People who challenge Catholicism [*]Especially the Anglicans [*]You again, you fucking prick[/list] [color=6ecff6][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*]Losing family [*]Car accidents [*]Own temper [*]Dad learning about the thing with the chariot [*]Broken smartphone[/list] [color=6ecff6][color=6ecff6][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Charismatic ♦ Fearless ♦ Irreverent ♦ Charming[/u][/center][/color] Dallas is a born bad boy currently undergoing a nauseating period of mellowing out. After a childhood and adolescence full of threatening to turn his mom a premature grey, Dallas has taken the beginning of his twenties in a much more easy going stride, mostly just grinning and bearing what would have once sent an explosive temper hurtling outwards at the nearest hostile face. Though his control issues aren't the best, the presence of his crew of friends and his penchant for managing to make new ones has left him with a constant support system, and whenever he fights now it's generally for pleasure and always a consenting matter between the other party (or parties) which has helped stave off the urge for him to break someone's cheekbone in twain when they talk down to him. Speaking of which, Dallas absolutely hates being challenged unless it's by someone who has a viewpoint he actually respects. This, in combination with his natural boldness and stubborn nature, has gotten him into trouble more than once, as he displays a lack of regard or fear for consequences on his person that could be described as nearly psychopathic. This is something that his friends are having a hard time working out, as Dallas seems to possess such a natural dearth of fear or regard for his own safety that he seems to forget that injury to him hurts those around him as well. In the past his sense of humor could be described as cutting, mocking, or even cruel, but as he's aged and matured he's been trying to make sure that people know that most of what he says is innocent at heart. There are times when hints of his old caustic nature can't seem to help but break loose, but he's giving it a shot. And even when he fails, his sheer unapologetic nature and bright smile - as if trying to convince you you're in on his joke - is just as likely to make you forgive him in no time. As a wise woman once put it, [color=9e0b0f]"Oniisan, your friend is so kuudere desu."[/color] [color=6ecff6][u]Background:[/u][/color] Born in Mill Valley, Dallas spent most of his time moving between Marin County and Oakland with his mother, a fitness model in Northern California. Learning at an early age that he wasn't going to get much out of her beyond the fact that he was "[his] dad's spitting image," Dallas fell into the oldest and noblest of traps for charismatic only children - he built himself a large group early in middle school that, gradually, metamorphosed from less of a group of class clowns into more of a group of wild, reckless teens with too much pent up energy. Eventually, as high school wore on, Dallas was getting himself into fights in school bathrooms, by lockers, even in the parking lots at athletic events. He lost his valued spot as a pitcher on the school baseball team, and by the end of his tenure in California he could be found with a black eye and a burst-lipped smirk on his face more often than not. Though his future seemed in jeopardy as his future at school grew more fractured, his mother finally deciding to reveal the truth about his parentage seemed to temper his resolve. At the age of 15, Dallas ran away from home on a quest to find his father, god or not, and figure out what the hell he was supposed to do about it. He ended up being picked up ten miles outside of Reno by his own spitting image, driving a Maserati and rolling his eyes behind a pair of Prada shades. The resemblance was too uncanny to be bullshit, and Dallas hopped in the car to see where it would lead him. The Maserati ended up leading all the way to Olympus Academy, where Apollo left Dallas with one parting challenge across the bow: [color=6ecff6]"No man who ever called himself the greatest needed to convince himself how great he was. He needed to convince the world around him. If you're my son at all, this place will help you pull that off."[/color] So for four years, he's attended Olympus Academy and worked on perfecting himself in as many ways as he can. By now, the effects are finally starting to become visible, even if he still is a little bit too much himself for his own good. This year, Dallas arrived to school a couple weeks late. The reasons for his tardiness in school have yet to be disclosed. [color=6ecff6][u]Extra:[/u] [/color] Based Hephaestus, putting the whole team on his crooked-ass back. [center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=6ecff6][u]Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Apollo, God of the Sun, Music, and Poetry [color=6ecff6][u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Affectionately exasperated. Dallas often toiled in his unknown father's shadow as a kid, but upon actually meeting him Dallas has managed to divorce himself entirely from the expectations that come from being the sun god's kid - which he believes may have been the point of his whole tenure at Olympus in the first place. The two keep in touch casually and often go out for a burger or a baseball game together, though the majority of their bonding is surface levels. They're buddies more than they are father and son - their first meeting carried only the one inspirational nugget and no real reprimands about his behavior, and very rarely has any godly wisdom actually been imparted on Dallas himself - but Dallas has struck out for himself enough to earn a modicum of respect from his Olympian father. He's proven that he's not needy and that he's rarely in enough shit to swing his demigod privilege around, so when a favor or two needs to be floated Dallas' way, Apollo is usually willing to provide. [color=6ecff6][u]Godly Abilities:[/u][/color] [color=6ecff6][i]Heaven, Let Your Light Shine Down[/i][/color] - Dallas gains natural augmentation in strength, speed, and durability through sunlight. Dallas is a natural fighter, making this buff extremely substantial and harder hitting. He'll use this to great effect in hand to hand combat, which is his far-and-away forte. Outside of sunlight, this buff begins to fade after about two minutes, leaving him with only slightly heightened abilities that gradually dip until the sunlight's energy leaves him entirely. [color=6ecff6][i]Sunny with a Chance of Meathooks[/i][/color] - Apollo is the god of music and poetry, so it only makes sense that his son would inherit natural ability in turn. When listening to music, Dallas' strength, speed, and durability stack to double that of his heightened capabilities, leaving him at a cumulative x4 stack. Whatever you do, if you're intent on pissing off, don't fight him in sunlight with his iPhone on. Seriously. Blot out the sun with locusts, break his iPhone, do [i]something[/i] before he inverts your face's bone structure with a collection of hard crosses. This power also has a passive, less harmless variation; when Dallas hears someone sing, he gains an empathetic bond with that person temporarily. The longer they sing continuously, the longer the bond continues, giving Dallas insight into their emotions and, to a more limited extent, their thoughts; after it stops, the bond will stay solid for around five minutes before starting to fizzle. By ten, it will be gone entirely. [color=6ecff6][i]Ultralight Beam[/i][/color] - Similar to his other two powers, this can only be activated when Dallas is standing in the sun for energy purposes - this power, however, is a different bent. As long as he is standing within the sunlight and feels comfortable enough with the open space he's standing in, Dallas can reflect the light source of the sun towards a target using his body as a conduit, in effect creating a six foot tall laser. This effect strengthens as his body temperature rises, but he has to stop before his fever reaches levels of hyperpyrexia.[/hider] just storing this for a rainy day