[hr][hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Analise%20Arnette&name=DawningofaNewDay.ttf&size=100&style_color=0076a3[/img] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/aa50f1063d8c6d0aa9d1d76908ee8553/tumblr_inline_o5rishhaQB1sp2q5t_500.gif[/img] [sup][b]LOCATION -[/b] Arnette Home [b]INTERACTING WITH -[/b] Georgina Arnette & Jackson [@Wintergrey] [b][color=0076a3][url=https://pmchollywoodlife.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/ashley-benson-spring-breakers-madrid-spain-lead.jpg?w=600]OUTFIT[/url][/color][/b][/sup][/centre][hr][hr] She paced across her room, checking the dress from each possible angle and lighting before tossing the dress over her head into a pile of [i]no[/i]'s. [b]"Analise, sweetie, is it really that necessary to make such a mess? I'm sure you've crumpled a couple of beautiful dresses already."[/b] Analise's mother piped up from her position on Anna's bed, watching the growing pile of discarded dresses warily. Anna didn't respond, but she followed her mother's gaze to the pile with a wince before returning back to her tensed pacing around her room. Georgina Arnette sighed before standing up, walking towards her daughter and holding her still by her shoulders then forcing her to sit down on the bed. [b]"That's enough pacing for you, I might have something for you in my closet."[/b] [b][color=0076a3]"But m-"[/color][/b] [b]"No buts, I'll be right back."[/b] After a couple minutes of Georgina disappearing from Anna's bedroom, she returned with a box in her hand. Anna tilted her head, standing up again to give room for the box, which was placed on the bed. Anna took note of her mother's giddy grin - something that Anna inherited before going right in to open the box curiously. Inside was a long, black dress with a short trail. The chest had a V-shaped lace design, and the skirt of the dress grew sheer the lower you went. On the back was another lacy design - this time of flowers and vines. It was a dress that Anna recognised, and she looked at her mother again. [color=0076a3][b]"Didn't you wear this for--"[/b][/color] [b]"For my first movie premiere, yes. Do you like it?"[/b] Anna nodded, smiling as she brushed her hand against the fabric. [b]"Then wear it."[/b] That was all the blonde girl needed; she took the dress and dashed off to the ensuite, changing out of her pyjamas and into her mother's soft dress. She came out of the bathroom minutes later, shyly twirling around in front of a full bodied mirror before facing her mother again. [b]"It looks wonderful, baby. Finish getting ready, your daddy and I need to take pictures~"[/b] Georgina clapped her hands, kissing her daughter's cheek before leaving her bedroom once again. It took another half an hour for the blonde to finally finish getting her hair and make-up done. Once she was satisfied by the end result, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror before blowing a playful kiss. The sound of something hitting her window pulled her out of her playful mood, and she looked in the direction of it only to hear a muffled voice. [color=ed1c24]"Romeo, romeo, wherefore art thou?"[/color] Anna laughed, recognising the voice immediately and heading towards the window to open it. She poked her head out, only to be ordered to go back inside by Jackson. [color=0076a3][b]"Why start that over? It was cute~"[/b][/color] She teased as she leaned against the window frame. [b][color=0076a3]"You do realise you can come in, right? Actually- no, I'll come down to you right now! Hold on, I'm already ready anyway."[/color][/b] In a hurry, she shut her window once more and rushed to pick up her small purse that kept her phone and medication before turning off the lights and dashing down the stairs towards the front door, passing by the servants almost clumsily as she did so. [b]"Anna where-"[/b] [color=0076a3][b]"Jackson's here! I need to go!"[/b][/color] Anna felt bad for not letting her mother take any pictures, but she didn't want to keep him waiting outside for too long. She slipped out the front door, shutting it behind her and leaning on the frame. [color=0076a3][b]"Okay, I highly recommend stopping me from running in heels. Especially if it involves me going up or down some stairs."[/b][/color] Analise said, before giving Jackson a huge grin. [color=0076a3][b]"You clean up nicely, Penguin~"[/b][/color] And the teasing was back. [hr][hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lakshya%20Khanna&name=DJ5CTRIAL.ttf&size=75&style_color=59A84F[/img] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/43488567/large.gif[/img] [sup][b]LOCATION -[/b] Home > Beverly Hills High [b]INTERACTING WITH -[/b] Sana & Dominique [@HushedWhispers] [b][color=59A84F][url=http://www.hdpicswale.in/assets/upload/bollywood-wallpapers/hot-sidharth-malhotra-212/download-latest-images-of-sidharth-malhotra-from-2014-4492.jpeg]OUTFIT[/url][/color][/b][/sup][/centre][hr][hr] [b]"Tum itna saj dhaj ke kidhar ja rahe ho?"[/b] Lakshya adjusted the sleeve of his suit jacket, tugging the material together with a dark cufflink before doing the same to the other sleeve. [b][color=59A84F]"Homecoming, mausi; some dance to celebrate the football season, I think?"[/color][/b] There was a chortle from behind him, and Lucky turned to look over his shoulder to see Sana clutching her stomach and laughing. [b]"I thought you were allergic to dressing nicely?"[/b] Lucky narrowed his eyes at his aunt before returning to fix his jacket. [b]"Or maybe you're trying to impress someone?"[/b] Lucky could [i]see[/i] the eyebrow wiggle and annoying smirk on her face despite not facing her; but his reaction (hmping and avoiding talking to her) was enough for another round of laughter from the overly joyous woman. [b]"C'mon, at least loosen some of the buttons up; you're going to party, not to a business meeting."[/b] Lucky took her advice, albeit reluctantly before straightening up. [color=59A84F][b]"I'll be back soon, probably. I don't know how long really, and it depends on how bad the get together is, but you don't need to stay up for me."[/b][/color] [b]"Wasn't planning on it anyway. If you and your lady friend will need some private time, I won't disturb you."[/b] There was the annoying wink again before Sana dodged the pillow thrown by Lucky. [b]"Okay okay! I'll be out of your skin now. Have fun![/b] She called before escaping his bedroom. He loved his aunt, he really did. But she was definitely a pain in the arse when it came to him. She knew that Lucky was easily riled up by her teases, she was his main tormentor when he was still a child living in India - and now he was living with her with no Swara to keep her tamed. Lucky left the building minutes later, his hand tucked into his trouser pockets as he walked to the high school. There was no point paying for a taxi or an expensive limo to drive him only two blocks; it was a waste of money just to look pretentious. He arrived fifteen minutes later, the crowds slowly building up as students began arriving in their fancy cars and dresses or suits. He passed through the entrance, peering over the heads of the students and finding the person he was looking for leaning against a railing. [b][color=59A84F]"Expecting me?"[/color][/b] He asked Dominique, nodding his head in the direction of her phone with a smirk.[hr][hr]