Yissss! We'll have to do that :D! [i]"What the fuck is a Banff?"[/i] <-- This accurately portrays my own thoughts as well! I thought I was saying it wrong for the longest time. Where does a name like that even come from? Oh yeah, I think I would only go to Mars if the Earth was truly fucked, other than that, I'd definitely stick it out here, although it really depends on how our own Earth is holding up at that time, I mean, if there is a fuck-ton of nuclear fall-out, then yeah, I'd skip out then. The only thing nice about Arizona is probably the Grand Canyon. Other than that, it's humid as hell, there are giant cacti, and a bunch of toruisty things, like a lot of Native American shops, so those are good places to buy a souvenir. Though I live in New Mexico, where it's less humid. There are still cacti here, and my boyfriend tells me that there are a lot of dinosaur deposits within the state. Plus the food is awesome, probably the only reason why I like living here so much.