[color=ed145b][h2]Tomomi Katayama[/h2][/color] Tomomi was feeling particularly grumpy this morning. She'd had plans, dammit! Not great plans, but still plans, you know? She'd figured there was at least another week before her parents would get on her back about attendance, but nope! She'd woken up this morning and found out that they'd phoned the school - [i]phoned the school[/i] - and told them to make sure she stopped skipping class. Injustice, that's what it was. She shook her head, kicking a stone off the path and into the bushes in frustration. Seriously, what was even the point? Nothing they learned even meant anything anyway. Not like she was gonna really need to know who the emperor was in the fifth century or whatever for the rest of her life. Besides, she didn't wanna deal with the teachers today. Bet they'd be thrilled to see her too, wouldn't they? Yeah right. Only good thing about today would be seeing the expression on their face when she walked in to the classroom. And then they'd find something to shout at her about, and she'd argue back and get sent on a nice little walk to see the principal. It was just so predictable, that's why she hated it so much! She wasn't dumb - probably smarter than half the people in this dump - but she just couldn't be [i]bothered[/i]! She looked up at the path in front of her. There were a couple of guys walking together. One of them she vaguely recognised - they didn't talk, but she'd seen him around - but the other guy was new to her. Must've moved here. What kind of idiot chose to move to a place like Inaba, the town where nothing ever happened? At least wondering about the pair of them distracted her from thinking about the school. Breaking into a jog, she overtook them and started casually walking backwards in front of them, speaking to the one that she vaguely recognised. What was his name again? [color=ed145b]"Hey there, uh... Neero? Peero? Whatever your name is."[/color] She smirked, making it obvious that she didn't even slightly care. [color=ed145b]"Anyway, Beero, who's the new kid? Doesn't look like a freshman to me, unless he got held back a couple years."[/color] she said, nodding at him. She didn't want to be the only person in class that didn't recognise the new kid.