[@Aro] No problem. I've been thinking up a solution myself: [hider=Spoilers] Ok, so the biggest issue is that we don't want alternate universes right? What if Adrian Hunter has had 3 years of developing his "impulse" ability and nothing else and that's his hero identity that the media has given him? Next, Dissonance comes back and for the next year, 'Impulse' gets in her way enough to the point where they learn each other's identity and she threatens to kill his mom if he doesn't back off. Impulse calls her bluff "For the sake of justice and doing the right thing blah blah blah" and forces her hand and watches as Dissonance kills his mom before him. Having nevery won a fight against her + seeing his mother die + the fear/anxiety of seeing Dissonance begin to get away AGAIN, he calls on his desire. His need to stop her/seek revenge/be a hero/etc: He's lying on the ground. Blood and sweat in his eyes. Consciousness fading in and out; He whispers "come back." "[i]come back[/i]" "COME BACK!" [b]"COME BACK!"[/b] The sound of concrete and steel splintering and shattering. A light post tears from the ground. "Come back!" *POP!* A fire hydrant rips at the seams. Dissonance looks back in horror as she picks up the pace. Suddenly, her feet slide backwards and she's lifted into the air. She's hurled back towards Impulse, panic in her eyes. Impulse stands up on his feet. She fires a blast that slams into Impulse's shoulder, spinning him and sending him flying into the ground. He drops her and she skids and tumbles but recovers to her feet. "COME BACK!" This was the loudest scream of them all. She looks back lining up another shot, heart racing. Something's wrong. He looks... blurry, distorted. The center of her vision shifts and twists. Light itself is bending in front of her. "COME BACK!" Telephone wires snap. Electricity crackles all around the void. Fear, real fear sweeps over her. She rips off her gloves, sweat and water from the hydrant drenching her ears and neck as she unleashes her full power at the void just to prevent herself from being pulled in. "COME BACK! The distorted words one last time. Then. Silence. Collapsed to her knees, Dissonance looks around at the destroyed city block. Alone. [/hider]