Cyrendil sat alone eating the stew while ever so often taking a drink from the mug of water, when he heard the commotion by the two mages table; The man was heavily drunk, and no doubt not in the right state of mind to do anything other than piss himself and pass out after a few more drinks. But by the way he clutched the shoulders of the two women, he was ready to have himself a go first. Cyrendil watched, he figured both could take care of themselves, when Fiona stood and started a brawl with the man. Cyrendil shook his head and turned back to his food. There was little point in starting a brawl when a threat would have had the same effect, but the problem was no longer his. Contrary to the belief of the assorted band of scoundrels he was currently a part of, he was no city guard. Though the act of starting a brawl instead of ending it simply would cause problems with the town. But then again, he was not apart of said brawl. He mused that the stew smelled better than it tasted, but it was filling at least, and he concentrated on the food, blocking out the sounds of boisterous toasting and storytelling, keeping his gaze on the room while he ate. Hearing the approaching of boots he turned his head to look at Faruq, and the only way the man could seem more pretentious than giving a title after his name is if he had a minstrel play the lute for him while he did it. [i]“What did you want Imperial?”[/i] and he turned his gaze to Faruq setting down his spoon into what remained of his meal and offered him a questioning raise of an eyebrow. When Brynn started to argue and call out the man who had gotten punched by Fiona. Which of course made the man even more furious. Which lead to the start of a brawl between the men. [i]“Would love to chat Imperial.”[/i] He turned and scooped up and few more spoonfuls eating it quickly and then stood with the mug of water in hand and took a long drink. He set the mug down and reached down grabbing his gauntlets and putting them on. [i]“But, the silence has been ruined. And I fancy a walk.”[/i] With that he strolled towards the door exiting the tavern, and as he stepped outside he took a deep breath in.