The two boys looked behind them as a girl ran up to Heero and Will; she started talking to Heero who simply grumbled at her appearence initially before saying hey. Will quietly turned away awkwardly unsure about who this girl was and he didn't want to say anything stupid to her either. The worst way to get off too a nice start at school was too say something weird too one of the female students. He hadn't really changed school a whole lot so he had been a part of the same group for a long time and he knew everyone. This girl was a complete stranger to him. [color=8dc73f]"Beero? Really? What am I some sort of Sentai beer monster? It's Heero you dunce! You know like Hero except with an extra E."[/color] Heero told Tomomi as he looked over to Will too see if he wanted to introduce himself but Heero found out quick enough Will had no intentions of doing so. [color=8dc73f]"Don't mind me friend he's a transfer student from America. Will is his first name and he prefers to be just called Will. He's an old friend of mine from way back. He wanted to see how things were here in Japan so he transferred here for a year. Don't mind him he's just quiet and he doesn't speak Japanese very well."[/color] Heero stated as he smiled over to Will confidently. Will breathed in and out quietly, [color=7ea7d8]"H-Hello my name is Will. N-Nice to meet you Miss."[/color] Will said slowly trying his best to get through the language barrier. Japanese wasn't easy on his tongue.