I've been away for a while but am considering starting up again if I can find the right partner. I'm fine with any pairings and mature content so long as my partner is over 18. I'm going to try something different. Instead of posting plots and ideas, I'm going to post a sample of my rp style. I have found that when you find a good fit with an rp partner, it doesn't matter the story line as you can come up with any story and it will flow easily. So, I'm looking for partners who feel that we share styles and who are willing to see if we fit. My only request is that if you are not feeling it, please just let me know rather than vanish. [hider=Intro Example]The coffee shop, though dirty perhaps by the brothers standards, was the busiest in town. There were many tables, obviously more than should have been comfortably placed, but all were filled with various patrons. The space between the chairs constantly changed with people moving, standing, lounging, or keeping close to their table. Truly every personality was on display for the world to see, and all of them wanted something from the coffee bar. From behind the counter, Lilly pushed the half door open with her back while carrying one rather large tray of various drinks and snacks. Some steaming and threatening to spill, others clinking with the sound of ice. There was a steady, sweet voice of "Excuse me, pardon me, behind you sir," that was only loud enough for those in the immediate area, not wishing to disturb the entire cafe. Lilly twisted and turned, moving the rather large tray with her. With every movement of a patron, Lilly managed to gracefully shift after them without hitting anyone else with the tray or spilling the drinks and food. With each table she placed the allotted items without checking, but also without mistake. For those patrons she knew, she added a friendly remark. "You look lovely today, Sarah....New book, James?" Lilly managed to remember many of their patrons but never had the opportunity to stop and have a long conversation with them. Lilly maneuvered her way through the cafe, like an intricate dance between her and the rest of the universe, until she reached the twins table. Their drinks were last and with a spin to face their table, she set down their two latte's without spilling a drop. The caramel latte held a leaf design while the mocha held a sunrise. "Here you are, gentlemen." She smiled to them before being called back to the main bar.[/hider] [hider=Intro Example 2]A crowd had quickly assembled outside of the Mayor's office. Many were attempting to peer through windows and cracks in the wooden door. Despite the location, it wasn't the mayor the townsfolk of Reame was waiting for. It was for a glimpse at a solider. Reame was one of a handful of towns along the border. The border was a mountain range that stretched from ocean to ocean, creating a clear divide between the haven that Reame and countless other cities and towns lived in, and the blood fields. The blood fields was in a constant state of war. The blood shed had been going on for so long that no one alive knew the real reason as to the original spark. All they knew was to cross the border mountains would mean certain death by the hand of a soldier. To them, it didn't matter to the savages if you were from haven or not. You were standing. You were breathing. It meant that you had a price on your head. So when news spread that a solider was found on this side of the mountains, it caused a stir. Some were simply there to see what a solider looked like. Were they ten feet tall? Have two heads? Mutations so grotesque that they might not be able to sleep for months after one look? Others were worried that the sighting of a solider meant that the war was crossing the mountains and that Haven would become a part of the blood fields. In generations, no one had heard of a solider coming to Haven. It just wasn't done. So to have an unconscious soldier locked up in a cell was certainly cause for commotion. The Mayor, an old miner by trade who was far to old for politics...or really anything beyond a glass of whiskey, stood outside of the solid metal box that the solider had been thrown into. Aside from the two men who had found the body, no one else had a good look. Questions bombarded Jasper as he contemplated what needed to be done with this situation. A solution that wouldn't cause riots in his own township[/hider]