[@Sherlolly] My goodness I thought you died. Good to see you're alright though! Haha it's gotten really quiet. GM vanished again but it's getting close to exam time so it's reasonable. Can't wait to graduate so I don't have to worry about silly exams anymore! [@Xtreme][@Pirouette][@Sherlolly][@smarty0114][@NarcissisticPotato][@Obscene Symphony][@Lionheart][@Carlsberg][@Musoka][@Nightwing95][@BlackPanther][@The Nebulous][@Kaalee] Sorry if I missed anyone there >.> Just giving everyone a friendly little elbow in the ribs to let them know that no one has posted in a bit. I feel kind of bad for contemplating posting again. But with how many people popped by to say they're still here, not many have posted. It would be great so see some activity guys, even if it's just in the OOC or the Chatzy! I really still look forward to plotting out some fun things with you guys and even the potential death ahead of us will be grand! Oh! And what characters are all participating in the tournament? So want to draw up a chart and see what would be interesting to see facing whom. Not to mention fun plotty plot things.