[h1][color=Deepskyblue]Charles Dorvain[/color][/h1] [color=Deepskyblue]"Hmm. . .Not what I wanted to hear, but definitely good to know we have no threats around here. I have to prepare for the Luncheon, but after the Luncheon, you can choose something in one of the stores around here and I'll buy it for you. Price shouldn't be a problem, so to be afraid to get something expensive.[/color] Charles hoped that would placate Assassin for now, and after he was sure that she'd heard and understood, he went to work making one or two familiars who, along with Jack, would keep an eye on everything. As Assassin's master, keeping out of the limelight as much as possible would be best, and if people seem to be showing up with their servants directly in tow, then him showing up by himself would be a very obvious indicator. If he was honest with himself, he wanted nothing to do with this whole deal, but the fact that there was someone who not only knew he was a master mere hours after he'd summoned his servant, but also sent him a text through his own phone . . . that was someone he wanted to know more about. So, after taking a quick shower, he'd get to work creating a familiar in the shape of a pigeon to help with recon. Given that it was currently approaching Noon for them, he'd likely only be able to create one in time for the meeting, and even then he'd most likely be a little late. Still, it couldn't be helped if he wanted to keep any form of secrecy as the Master of Assassin, though it did leave a certain foul taste in his mouth to take such a roundabout way of doing things. [i][color=Deepskyblue]If only I'd gotten a more frontline Servant, then i wouldn't have to deal in shadows like this. . . ugh, I can't even have a proper fight in this current situation, can I? Now that i've had sometime to think on it, i really true a bad servant class in terms of compatibility.[/color][/i] He let out a slight sigh, before rolling up his sleeves to get to work. What was done was done, the dice had been rolled, and there was no point in whining about it now. [hr]Sometime Later[hr] With familiar currently held in hand, Charles would be situated a short ways away from the area of the current meet up, in a nearby hotel where he'd booked a room shortly before. He'd gone with the easiest one he could get, so it wasn't very lush, but it would do for his purposes. Assassin would be somewhere nearby, probably right next to him, but he'd told her to stay as undetectable as possible right now, as they were going to likely to be other Masters and Servants coming, and even if they wouldn't remember her, he'd prefer that she wasn't easily seen whenever possible. He'd already filled his Servant of the plan, which was simple recon and nothing else unless he ordered otherwise. He'd keep an eye and ear on the situation through his familiar, and with their combined coverage, would be able to see if a good opportunity will come up to end a Master here and now. If that didn't happen, then at least they'd get a little more info on their mysterious host for now. Either way, now was the time to initiate the procedure, activating the familiar and letting it fly out the window of the hotel, the view being turned away from the Plaza luckily enough to lessen the chance of any Masters noticing the action, he'd sit down and use his Clairoyance ability to see through it's having it fly over the area of the meeting along with the other city fowl. [color=Deepskyblue]"Let's do this, Assassin. Remember, no killing . . ."[/color] [@Holy Grail] [hr] [h1][color=Slategray]Goro Nyudo Masamune[/color][/h1] [color=Slategray]" . . . I believe the term now-a-days for one such as you would be . . . 'long-winded', yes?"[/color] Goro stated calmly, not seeming over-perturbed by the man's extended question, though he didn't look very pleased either. [color=Slategray]"In response to your 'question', I stopped paying attention awhile ago, and before you try to restate it I suggest that you make it extremely brief. And by brief, it must be at most two sentences, or else I won't answer it, Understood."[/color] [color=Slategray][i]I've gotten quite the odd master, that is to be certain, though I must say that he doesn't seem like a bad sort. A bit doddering in his actions, but well-intentioned. I'd rather serve a good fool then a heartless mastermind any day.[/i][/color] Letting out a sigh, the spirit took a seat for himself, taking out his blade and looking over it to see if there was any need for care though this was done more out of habit than need. [color=Slategray]"After you've finished looking over that Letter, do you wish to discuss strategies for fending of other Masters? Even if you have no stake in this, they will come for you eventually, and it's best you be ready when they do."[/color] [@Beloss]