[quote=@t2wave] [@ColouredCyan] I had made a query about a similar possibility for Heather from the GM. However it was not granted because we were all supposed to start in the same situation. [/quote] Ah I see now. Maybe I should elaborate on my position instead of letting Hillbilly doing it for me. I didn't realise this was as much of an issue, rather genuine curiosity. In my opinion, the fact I was there to post at the time meant it was better to not have my character there. The reason my character doesn't have anything about prison and training yet is because I was not posting in the roleplay when everyone else was, and I always think its weird and unnatural trying to retcon a character into a situation such that the chronology is unchanged and the character fits, nobody can react to your character so she needs extraordinary circumstances to explain that and doing that would mean ruining the vision I had for my character, ruining chronology of events or playing everyone else's characters myself. None are good options. Now I had decided that I wasn't going to be there at the same time, I had to choose, arrive at anytime in the last month or so beforehand or 1-2 in game days later. I thought, possibly wrongly, that there would be little objection to my character being there earlier, having been released earlier and put to use for the very reason she was caught. I was going to save the rest of Shelly's backstory for when it was relevant, it was certainly nothing special and didn't need to be posted immediately, what I wanted to do was jump in and enjoy interacting with everyone else instead of writing pages of me talking to myself and I. For those agonising over it here it is in bullet points, I hope that it doesn't satisfy that way when I have to repeat all this you might have forgotten. [hider= Shelly's Backstory continued ] [list] [*] Shelly assists in making costumes for gifted indiscriminately [*] Caught and sentenced for aiding gifted and being gifted herself [*] Talents of use to Dr. Peterson and his Guardians project [*] Recruited to begin work on costumes (investment protection) and to get her in suitable shape for combat herself [*] An irrelevant quantity of time passes [*] Guardians: Next Wave team arrives and derusts, Shelly hard at work still [*] Shelly attempts integration with her new team [*] Paintball [/list] [/hider] If I may, I will now address other complaints. Most of this I consider dumb IC logic stuff I don't much care for. [hider= Justifications of Critisms ] [b]She speaks and acts as though she just joined up and was never isolated from society.[/b] That is how she is. [b]This is all still mostly a secret so I doubt that emailing a request for a Gifted would be a wise choice.[/b] An existing technology already in use worldwide by corporations and governments to keep things secret, VPNs and other kinds of private networks. If the Guardian project doesn't have a secure private network to exchange information on electronically its doomed to fail. Being able to email co-workers confidentially is essential to being able to keep this whole thing a secret. [b]Basically everyone came from the prison and the whole thing is new for them[/b] She has come from prison and it is new. [b]There isn't supposed to be contact with the outside[/b] She doesn't have any contact with the outside, Shelly's engineers are our engineers on the inside, the ones we'd need to have to function. Maybe could have made this clear. [b]I can sort of buy it if she's essentially unknowingly on a very tight leash and the realization of that will be very difficult to stomach.[/b] She knows, but she's a brighter side of life person. She's still getting to do what she loves and she's not imprisoned in space jail any more. It gets to her at times but she's not going to let others know. [/hider] I hope this clears a lot up. On the subject of GM objections, my first post was 5 days ago and the GM has posted multiple times in OOC and once in IC since then, if he had any objections it would have been nice to hear them before my second post I made yesterday, but I have not, not in OOC or by PM. Honestly I'm not all that happy about being dragged into this.