Meesei laid herself down by the edge of the water, enjoying the head of the sun bearing down on her. Perhaps in a while she would opt for a swim, but for the moment she was content in her relaxation. Cyrodiil occupied an awkward place for her in terms of its natural environment. Its beasts were not quite as dangerous as those found in the marsh, so it was harder to locate truly worthy prey. Additionally, while it was adequately warm for her tastes in the daytime, the night was annoyingly cool. Overall, the province was just slightly suboptimal, but it would have to be good enough as, for the moment, it seemed that Hircine wished for her to remain there. Meesei glanced over to Fendros when he addressed her. She grinned slightly, as this was a topic she was very pleased he was asking about. "I know a good deal about the lord of the Hunt. I would think you already know the basics. His domain is the wilds and, of course, hunting. Beyond that, his gift to our world is lycanthropy, though werewolves are not the only lycans in existence. Werebears, werecrocodiles, wereboars, and werevultures are all have different variants of the beast blood. Werewolves are simply the most common. Generally, Hircine is pleased by sacrifices made in his name, specifically of a hunter's prey. Particularly strong or rare creatures can gather his attention more directly. It is said that there are certain unique creatures in the world that a hunter can slay to be granted an audience with Hircine directly. I have never had the fortune of speaking to him in this manner, but I have contacted him through more indirect means. It is how I know he wanted me to find you. As for why he wanted me to do this, I do not know exactly why. Our lord is an enigmatic being. He is no different from other Daedra in that regard. The reason he wanted me to find you is because you will strengthen our pack, but he did not say how or why you would be able to do this."