Melany Hunnir [@dragonmancer] The red pirate's first instinct was to push her blade into the larger man's hand as he took hers in her own and put the sack of beli into it, but she forced her shoulders to relax and wrap her fingers around the sack. For a moment she blinked down at her hand to look at the gift. "Alright." She shrugged and put the coin purse into her pocket. "I can't force you, but I'm not going to risk letting myself get weak from hunger." She pushed off the railing to make her way to the town to find something to eat, but stopped and turned her attention to the first mate while he talked to her. [@LokiLeo789] For a moment Melany just stared at the man before shrugging her shoulders. "Who knows. There's stories about everyone, and there's not a pirate out on the seas without at least a dozen people claiming their the most blood thirsty killers roaming the seas." She grinned. "You can't believe everything you hear, right?" She opened her mouth to continue but the call from the captain came in, explaining that they were broke and there was going to be a change of plans. Without a word she nodded when Xerxes lit the buildings. "Hmm." She exhaled more than spoke and turned towards the crew's tank. "Food would be great. I'd love to help you get some, but I"ve got some other things I need to do." She smiled at the man. "But if you get a chance, would you mind picking up any citrus fruit you could get those giant paws on? We don't want to become the scourge of the world, and die of scurvy, right?" She winked and without waiting for further instructions, heading towards the destination.