[quote=@t2wave] [@ColouredCyan] Sorry. I didn't mean to create an issue. I probably should have just left well enough alone and just let things play out. [/quote] No need to apologise, no harm, no foul. I just hope I've made my position clear for the GM. No more postulating over what it might be! :D [quote=@t2wave] I may not read the backstory just so I can get it IC. Also sorry for not posting much lately. I got sick for a while and it stopped a lot of my posting. I'll try and get a post in today so we can actually interact. [/quote] Its exactly what you'd expect it to be really, nothing special. You have been warned! :D Honestly if I had to pick a time to be sick, this was a pretty good one. Not enough has happened that you've been left behind yet, which is good. I'm glad you're feeling better, assuming you are feeling better and if you aren't I hope you do soon. I very much looking forward to reading more of your posts. I honestly think there could be some interesting chemistry between our characters, the way I see it you're practically immune to Shelly's gift, having an inorganic brain could prevent Shelly being able to exploit over and understimulation of neurons and that's only if Shelly's garbage sensory information survives digitisation and that's only if she can sense it at all! I want to see how this plays out and a good start will be bonding over delivering pain and humiliation to that brat, the toy soldier and the disaster waiting to happen :D