[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/127320-the-house-of-powers/ooc]OOC[/url] [centre][h1]House of Powers[/h1][/centre] [h2][i]Premise/Summary[/i][/h2] Below is a narrative introduction but first a summary! As the title suggests this is a RP about people with powers/special abilities. These may vary from regenerative abilities through to telekinesis. It is set in the modern day and the characters will be high school/college age (for simplicity's sake: between the ages of 16 and 18). It WILL be a fairly grim tale (at least, to start with) and everyone's characters will start out weak and slowly grow in strength as the RP progresses. Example: Even if your power is to control gravity at the beginning this will mostly consist of making something already falling fall a tiny, tiny bit faster. This is a reboot/rewrite of a successful RP from Old Guild and had several parts but I'm hoping to have a new cast with new characters and so a new story will unfold (although I am of course happy for returning players to use their previous characters). [h2][i]Introduction[/i][/h2] Children across the world are discovering that they are special, gifted with powers. Their abilities are fledgling, so weak that barely even their users know of them. As time goes by, they begin to understand their abilities a little better and practice their use. Or maybe they are too scared and simply refuse to use them, hoping they will just disappear, but end up using them by accident as they lack control. Gossip flies around schools about children who have had powers disappearing. Some of the rumours say they have been relocated or hired by special government agents for training, others are far less kind to the disappeared. You decided to keep your power a secret, either from everyone or from all but your closest friends or family, sure that they can be trusted. But someone else must have found out and you have been kidnapped. Taken in the bright of day or the dead of night; maybe from your parents' home or in the middle of class you were powerless to stop it and everyone stood by and let it happen. The men and women came dressed in matching suits, almost clones of one another and they moved with a calm sense of purpose. Some hold you down whilst another prepares a syringe or a pill or perhaps they have been forced to stun you using a powerful taser. What is clear is that someone has found out your secret and they are very interested in it. [hr] You wake up lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room. Your senses feel numb and your body impossibly heavy, even opening your eyes is a formidable effort. You managed to make out some of the room which is furnished in a modern, stylish fashion as if it were a hotel room. There are a couple of tub chairs around a low coffee table, a few generic magazines stacked on top of it, and a television fitted into the wall opposite the chairs. There is also a desk with another chair next to a wardrobe and a mirror. [img]http://img.archiexpo.com/images_ae/photo-g/52432-8436340.jpg[/img] There is no noise besides that which you yourself make. There are two doors to the room, one is locked and the other leads to an ensuite bathroom. Some panels on the wall opposite the door emit a light that feels natural but clearly isn't. As you acclimate to your surroundings, a click sounds from the previously locked door, inviting you to explore beyond your room. [hr] Any questions, please ask! I'll post a character skeleton in the morning.