As the small group waited at the entrance, something refused to wait on them. It had been quite some time since the meadow had entertained visitors and, thusly, had been left unfettered. Now that true footsteps had fallen on the hallowed ground once more, so once more hunger had awakened. A chill breeze starts up out of seemingly no where; a dark pall. Each one of them experience an over assertive chill run both ways along their spines. Any of the group holding their notebooks would noticed that they had blinked out of existence and attempting to call them would only call them for a fraction of a second. If things could be taken at face value then each of them might choose to enter the tavern, posthaste. Unfortunately, those peering in through the door way could see... well, very little. just past the threshold of the door was, what could be best described as, black water. It was teeming and coalescing but never crossing towards them and the doorway. The light of day passed within an inch or two of the odd surface but revealed nothing. They had a choice, brave the darkness or! Brave what ever it was happening outside. Either way, bravery was required ahead.