[@Aro] I think we lost each other at step 3. End of senior year: -Adrian gets his abilities at age 18ish. -Dissonance goes to the military for combat training Three years go by: -Dissonance becomes a badass solider and gets her powers [@Carlsberg] fills in what new abilities she can do. -Meanwhile, Vega learns to control his ability in 3 ways while fighting crime: 1. Impulse split second shield 2. Impulse kick/punch/etc. 3. Small range blast (i.e. shoot soda cans off a fence) Year 3 to year 4: 1st encounter: Vega is in the wrong place wrong time. He challenges Dissonance and she shows him that she's a better fighter, a crack shot and he's in way over his head. Military training aside, her powers hit harder and last longer Vega looses and Dissonance doesn't even break a sweat. 2nd encounter: Vega has been practicing because of his defeat. His impulses hit harder and last a little longer. He's still no match for Dissonance. By some turn of events, he manages to disrupt her plans just enough to have them called off. Gets his ass severely beat for it. Vega receives a warning message from Dissonance who learned his identity from their previous fight: If you get in my way again, I'm going to kill your mom that lives at Blah blah blah Athens dr. Due to some twist of pride and a hero's call to duty, he decides to call her on her bluff. 3rd encounter: Through a bit of regret but a cold military heart, Dissonance follows through with her threat and kills Vega's mother right in front of him. Vega (having just seen the last person he cares about murdered in cold blood) is flooded with emotion. He pulls from a great pit of need and manifests a new ability (The pull part). This is where we learn that Dissonance and Vega are nothing more alike than flash is to superman in the fact that they both have super speed or wonder woman is to green lantern just because they both can fly. Vega, in his need to hurt Dissonance actually ends up hurting himself by flinging himself into the singularity that he created from the depths of his darkest moments. [@Carlsberg],[@Aro] Vega has lost every single time. In the current timeline, he's trying to find Dissonance. He's terrified of accidentally causing another singularity (because it almost killed him) and even with his new ability, we don't even know if hes caught up to Dissonance. Dissonance has 3 years to develop new powers, grow stronger or gain allies that will help conceal her by the time they meet again. He's also going to meet up with [@Endrance] to try and learn more about his powers to A) Control them and B) to try and go back in time to save his mom (and fail for now) [@Aro] As far as god powers go, I hate them. If I outgrow my rival, my character isn't able to grow anymore and that's boring. We've got people that have super strength, cloaking, water-breathing, invulnerability to bullets and have their own sidekick that is stronger than most heroes. We've got people who can generate whatever they want with their minds AND are combat and weapon trained. But if you feel that Vega is still too powerful after all this, I'll make a new character. I plan on making Vega strong just to lose to almost everyone at least once.